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Here is a challenge. How about we each take 5 books and make a new sacred canon from them. Can be a new religious idea, with new deities or it can be to sit alongside an existing set. I'll do mine later as I have just thought of the idea and about to go into a meeting.

Geoffrey51 8 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you no. There’s too much religion in the world as it is.


Make it 7 books - the Harry Potter series.


Nothing like someone that can not let religion go.

Meh, I think it's more tongue-in-cheek than anything.

Reworded it's just another post asking for your 5 most influential books.

'least, that's how I read it...


American Gods-Neil Gaiman
The Dark Tower series-Stephen King
The Instrumentalities if the Night series-Glen Cook
Star Trek-the whole kit and caboodle
Neverwhere-Neil Gaiman once again


My five would be:

The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Pilgrim Withdraws: The Rebuttal to Pilgrim's Progress by Benjamin David
Dracula by Brahm Stoker
Spanish Made Easy by David Reilly


Nothing’s Sacred by Lewis Black
Pure Drivel by Steve Martin
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
The Soul of the Night by Chet Raymo
Hitchhikers Guide (whole set) by Douglas Adams


5 random dr.Suess books. There is much wisdom to be had.


My five texts for a canon

Infidels (album) - Bob Dylan Highlighting the dangers of indoctrination
The Trueman Show (film) - The implications of external control
Awaken The Giant Within - Anthony Robbins - Discovering yourself
The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing - Rumi - tr Coleman Barks
The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra - The world of quantum physics and beyond


Fight Club, American Psycho, Ender's Game, Safety Not Guaranteed, & Equilibrium (laslt 2 were films not books)


There are many parody religions. Slack is my personal favorite.

The wonderful Church of the Subgenius. Marvellous stuff


Stopped reading at "sacred".

Try to consider an agnostic canon. That would be interesting


I would suggest books over several volumes as one selection, unless of course one volume stands out as pertinent in the set


Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny to explain the nature of the gods, Christ and Buddha, also elementals, demons and all.
Then hitch Hikers Guide to teh Galaxy to establish who is making all the decisions now.
Maybe not a book, but the episode of SG1 with Hathor, my kind of Goddess
Would have to then add Life of Brian and last Holy Grail.

Brilliant collection. Thanks. I'd subscribe to your cult


Tolkien - The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Return of the King, The Two Towers, The Silmarillion . Most everyone here must have had some connections to Tolkien, if only to the movies. Sacred Canon ? I'll just worship Middle Earth ! Must be somewhere below my feet.

Doug13 Level 4 June 12, 2018

The owner's manual of a 1953 Russian pumpkin harvester, the Voynich manuscript, the Cincinatti's waste water treatment regulations, the medical history of Hildegrad von Bingen, Rudolf Diesel's Solidarismus, Karel Capek's Rossum's Universal Robots


OK, you have no idea how much I like this idea. I take it the books should be unrelated, as opposed to books in a series? I'll get back to you.

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