12 12

I just want to thank all of you.

Today not long from now I will be a level 8. It's been a long 67 days getting here. LOL I could not have done it without a lot of help from all of you and especially some very special friends that I have made. I never ask for anyones help but some gave so freely and have made me want to do the same for everyone I can. I joined april the 7th, I wanted to make friends with like-minded people and that has happened far better then I dreamed. I look forward to having more friends and I know that new person that will join this site, maybe 6 months from now, might be the best friend I ever could have. If I could ask anything from you, It would be think of the new person, and treat them how you would want to be treated. Thank again.

kenriley 8 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Keep on rolling !! Congrats !!


kenriley, the sentiment is reciprocated. 🙂


Well done Ken xxxx
Much love

Amisja Level 8 June 14, 2018



To level 8 in a little over 67 days. Good grief! What do some people do here? And you have 31 posts. I don't spend time worrying about the points system, but sometimes I wonder about how it works.



EdEarl Level 8 June 12, 2018

I can only hope that some day I too will be able to stand tall with fist in the air, and with a thunderous roar announce , nay DECREE with the passion of the village clarion, that I have achieved Level Eight! Go forth and prosper my brother! Go forth, and prosper!!


Welcome to the dizzy heights, mate. We've risen together, as addicts to the community spirit of
Now a sobering thought for you. Once you achieve level 8 you will be a quarter of the way to level 9, and points drift in more slowly as you reach your maximum scores for various activities. I think the perk for level nine is a free medical check-up and for reaching level ten it is a mandatory mental-health assessment!

Petter Level 9 June 12, 2018

Well sure...anything to help a fellow traveler, to succeed!


I have not made any specific new friends, but I have enjoyed reading and interacting about such a wide variety of topics!

@kenriley Hi, I'm Jen! Nice to meet you!


One of these days, I too will be a level 8. Congratulations, Ken. With great power comes great responsibility. ?

zeuser Level 9 June 12, 2018

The Force is strong in this one.


I love having met you! I love chatting with you. But why is the whole levels thing a big deal?

@kenriley Well?

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