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High School and Trans Kids

sassygirl3869 9 June 13

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LGBT kids need our help every day!


I stumbled across a web series from Hulu that just came out (pun intended) called Gaycation, hosted by Ellen Page and her good friend Ian Daniell, in which they travel around different places, seeking answers to the question of what life's like for LGBT people in these places. In the 4th episode, they talk to several Native Americans at a big intertribal gathering in Canada. Among the attendees were folks whom many would call trans, who refer to themselves as people of two spirits (male and female) and say that traditionally masculinity and femininity were understood to be somewhat fluid. Society is what imposes expectations to conform to "a standard." And the number one societal element that has created hatred and intolerance against gays and especially against trans people is Western monotheistic religion. Yep, that's right. It is religion that has totally ruined countless people's lives and turned others into knee-jerk bashers.


People is people


They did not come out when i was in .school but we always had some idea who they were one was a good friend who killed himself.

Marine Level 8 June 13, 2018
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