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I recently encountered the Jahovah Witnesses at the door and had a fairly heated exchange. Evolution came up and I was dumbfounded by the way they wield ignorance like a weapon. It pretty much boiled down to "why don't flies become elephants" (with a serious face) and a variation on the watchmaker argument. I've been watching old debates to formulate an especially crushing response. I'm open to suggestions from anyone. I'm aiming for something reminiscent of Hitchens style wit with Dillahunty style thoughtful structure.

Bignate901 6 June 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I ignore proselytizers.

Most people check to see who's at the door before throwing it open, so if you see religious nuts outside, don't open it.

Or ask them to leave, spoken from behind the door.


You can't reason with an immature mind. Even if you have what seems to you to be the best arguments and immediate put downs, they aren't capable of understanding. I tell them I'm an athiest, and enjoy watching their brains melt down.


How irritating... Just tell them to go and fuck themselves.

I'm trying for more finesse


They don't deserve it though.

My sentiments, exactly, although I was trying to be diplomatic. Good for you!


Don't debate.
TELL them one time to leave.
Then "loose the hound".

Come on, and pass up this opportunity? How many times will morons land in my lap?

Well, I admit to enjoying seeing the look on their faces when the wife and her trusty sidekick come to see what the fuss is about.


99% of people who deny Evolution can't even define it.

Society failed us.


Hm. Not really a battle I'd pick, as it's a fool's errand to get through to them. As you suggest, the most you can hope for is to embarrass them temporarily.

I think the doorknob is your best bet, especially if you can wire it up to go "OW! OW!" when you they knock with it.

Or glue tiny hairs on the balls.


Two JWs gave me an invitation to one of their events last year, I immediately threw it in the recycle. There's absolutely no way I will entertain those folks or their ideas.

I agree with you initially then I noticed they are trained to hold a conversation with non-cult members. So, I’m just wanting to calmly respectfully takedown a believer ideas without having to have dinner with their pastor like mainstream Christian.

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