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When do you if you're moving too fast when dating? Is it always a bad thing?

mattematic 4 June 13

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I'm very much a "move fast" kinda guy. The philosophy being that if it looks and feels good, invest in it - physically, emotionally. Stop being afraid of getting hurt. You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. You can dip your toe in the water for six months and not know what it's going to feel like when you're immersed. Jump in ... if it feels good, stay in, if it doesn't jump out. You'll have saved six months of your life.
You'll never learn about each other by "dating," when everyone is on their best behavior. Learn about the DLSs (dirty little secrets), foibles, peccadillos and you'll get the full picture. My ex-wife and her daughters had a saying that they "smelled his breath." What they meant was that when you're in the first flush of love you ignore the little negatives, like bad breath, but one day when you wake up and it pushes you away, you know the reality ...

At my age this makes sense, otoh had damage when young from a too clingy controlling BF so too fast spooks me 😟 But have noticed many men move this way.
There is something to be said for "deciding to love someone" after a certain point, so long as there aren't huge chasms with dealbreakers.


Hi, Matt,

If a woman tells a man he's moving too fast, she means she wants him to back off and let her decide if he is a keeper or not. It's always a bad thing for most women, since they are indicating that the man is making them feel uncomfortable, being too sexually aggressive.

Women want men to be attracted to them for who they are, not just to satisfy the men's selfish urges.

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Feckin hell...I can't tell when someone is flirting with me so that whole "moving to fast" thing has a snowball's chance of happening for me. Then again, my life is more than half over, is there such a thing as too fast?


You can " " when you are typing too fast because words are missing.

JacarC Level 8 June 13, 2018

It's not a bad thing at all - as long as your partner is moving at a similar pace.

But if not ... well ...either adjustments need to be made, or "boom !"


Another thought: what do you consider ‘too fast’? Is it one partner, or both? I think we each have our own comfort level.
Mine is, taking enough time to know that other person very well. See them angry, frustrated, sick. Have a few fights. Find out if the communication is good. Can they give a real apology? Respect my boundaries? Can we compromise when there’s conflict? All that takes time.

Always Me, me, me ? No wonder you are still alone ?

@VAL3941 Rude and assumptive much?!
Abusive people don’t respect the boundaries of others, and rush into relationships...with the intent to abuse. Also blame the victim and refuse to take accountability for their abuse/actions.
Are you saying I have no right to protect myself from abuse? Fuck that.

Rude too, why must it always be the other party to blame ? Are you so perfect ?

@VAL3941 Perfect? Me?! ?
Hardly. I have many flaws. But: sometimes the other party IS to blame. When a partner is abusive, they have chosen to be that way. Nobody ‘deserves’ abuse. Maybe do some research about abuse(emotional, verbal, physical, sexual) because my posts are pretty clear that I’m referring to abuse/toxic behavior, rather than ‘normal’ behavior.
I’ve been in abusive relationships, survived, and it’s my absolute right to prevent it happening again. If that makes me a rude, unladylike bitch: so be it. I’d rather be a safe, unabused bitch than a nice, polite, beat-down woman who doesn’t stand up for herself.

Was unaware, my apologies. Yes be that bitch, I am now on your side !

@VAL3941 Thank you...allies always welcome.

@VAL3941 Certain personalities seem to have attraction patterns.

Has anyone noticed how "free spirits" attract repressed types?

e.g. "Wow, you're so off the hook, fire, freak in bed, MUST HAVE!"
FF "Wow, you're so off the hook, fire, freak in bed, SCARY! MUST CONTROL FEELS"

I think this is too wide a discription, and perception perhaps. I am no physcologist so won't go into this one.

@VAL3941 I'm biased from seeing it be the distaff method in dh's family. Turns out I was also "too extra" for him sometimes. Funny I couldn't lose him for love or money before he completely caught me.

Isn't that normally the case ?

@VAL3941 sadly seems to be

Don't worry, I am still on your side ?

@VAL3941 Thank you 🙂

My Pleasure. I have a soft spot in my heart foor you.


Not for me. As long as I'm protecting myself (and not being stupid), I don't regret getting caught up in the romance of a possible new love.


It is for me. I attract narcissists/toxic people, and one of their hallmarks is lovebombing, sweeping a victim off their feet, mirroring their every desire, and moving very fast: faster than most are comfortable with, to control and hook in the victim.
That being said, I had a set of in-laws who married only 6 weeks after meeting and were devoted to each other for 55 years. Died three days apart. So it does happen in healthy relationships.

That just never happens for me. Moving too fast is a red flag, and I always put on the brakes. If the person is reasonable and agrees to slow down without going psycho...excellent sign. If they go nuts: bullet dodged.

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