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What would you consider to be your deepest fear?

CarRamrod82 3 June 14

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Losing my daughter.

My becoming totally disabled.

My daughter ever being dependent on another for her financial well-being throughout her lifetime. I don't ever want her to be in a position where she feels like she "has to stay" in order to pay the bills or buy food. I hope for her to always be completely self-sufficient and, it goes without saying, happy. When she has attained a valuable skill which can provide her a livable income, I will no longer have that fear.


Having seen what can happen when one's mind is taken by Alzheimer's...I want to be able to shorten things, if that should happen to me. The idea of dying in diapers is almost too horrible to contemplate! Otherwise, life's been good and I can't think of much to fear.

Oh, well....the idea of waking up next to the treasonous GROPER gives me reason to scream!


My deepest fear has already happened. My first child was killed in a car accident 4 yrs ago. It’s harder to loose a child than a parent. I still can’t even talk about him or think about him without crying. He was a sweet loving person . I miss him every fuckin day. ? ?

Oh, my dear...I'm so very VERY sorry!

Oh my gosh.....I'm so sorry. 😟 😟 I truly cannot even imagine. I don't believe there is any worse heartbreak. Any.


Death of my spouse is my ultimate fear.

Thankfully, I'm single af?


That I haven't lived a fulfilled life.


4 men in a car. Ok. 3 men in a car. I am a bit older now.


The re-election of Trump.


Losing one of my children... and not seeing posibility to avenger the death to my satisfaction. Once the game starts I am the type of scary and without boundaries or rules type.


I'm a gay man who spent most of his life in various forms of Reparative Therapy. So my deepest fear is two-fold: 1.) That now that I'm out I'll ever get laid, and 2.) When I die, I'll reincarnate as a lesbian.

How terrible for you...was it one of those Christian things?

@LucyLoohoo Pretty much.


Having a child and than something terrible happening to her/him. That's I will never have a child. I'm open to adoption though

Wouldn't your adopted child still be your child?

@BlueWave Yes, but that child already exists, I'm not adding more children to the world, but helping one in need of a parent. Having something terrible happen to a child is not main reason I'm not having my own child.


Having my face chewed of by a weiner dog? Jumping off a cliff and realising I forgot the rope?


I've confronted my fears until overcoming them for the most part, but heights still make me uneasy. I've rapelled, climbed mountains, ridden roller coasters, and even tackled a high dive or two. I'm proud of the fact that my fear is debilitating, but it never fully receded.

JimG Level 8 June 14, 2018

Being betrayed by my wife. Oh wait. It's already happened. My deepest fear has already taken place.
Actually, drowning scares me too. I want to go in my sleep.


Don't have one.
Know NO fear.

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