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So much for separation of church and state. We'll just blow off the Constitution that WE TOOK AN OATH TO UPHOLD because of mumbo jumbo from our choice of the over five hundred English Bible translations used by one of over 34,000 denominations of Christianity expressing the inerrant Word of God so it has to be right!


Ignostic 4 June 14

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Are there really 500 translations? I'm familiar with the Gideon and the King James...

The king james is generally taught to be the first translated to English for all persons, however the Geneva Bible is the first complete English translations by 51 years. There existed much controversy during that time due to King Henry VIII denouncing Catholicism to marry Anne Boleyn. Then his daughter Queen Elizabeth continued her fathers tradition with the protestant church of England. When she passed in 1603. The Crown was ceded to King James the VI of Scotland, the I of England and Ireland, her 1st cousin 1 removed. His mother was Catholic as he was raised Protestant while his mother though a Queen was imprisoned. Most do not know King James was bisexual and had an affinity for young boys.

But yes there exist several translations from the original Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew Old Testament, as well as the Latin New Testament. All translations are rot with hundreds if not thousands of mistranslations.


You do know there exist constitution free zones? And most neophytes view the constitution as out dated and should be replaced. The police walk all over it on a daily bases. Only those who know and understand the constitution have the power to invoke it.

The second part to this conversation, since you are speaking about Plato, Plato was not exactly for the commons. And in that respect the founding fathers were not either. The founding fathers have several things in common. They were well Educated, Spoke Several Languages, Titled Nobility, Lawyers, were Wealthy, were Masonic, Surveyors. They were deeply evolved in Philosophy, they knew Plato well.

When the Constitution begins with we the people... they are not talking about the commons or the citizenry. They do not exactly teach you this in history class. But the commons did not care wether or not we broke from king george II or not. We did not break because of taxation without representation, though it was a factor. England and the Rothschild Bank of England would not allow the colonies to print their own currency. They had to borrow from the Bank of England and pay back with Interest. The founding fathers saw the cycle of debt. Benjamin Franklin clearly states this.

So when the framers of the constitution state "we the people..." they are talking about themselves, the people of Government. Lawyers and Statesmen, Military Officers ect... The founding fathers did not want to give the commons the right to vote. This was something they debated, and the reason the electoral college was created.

The founding fathers were not christian, they were Deist. They knew about Plato and his allegory of the cave. The founding fathers despised democracies, and that is why they created a REPUBLIC.

I have three Grandfathers documented in History as Veterans of the Revolutionary War. I have one Uncle who served at Valley Forge under Washington. Their exists a fourth grandfather who served, however I have not verified with documentation.

Etre Level 7 June 15, 2018

if this is all true, it's just unfathomable. how do you separate children from their parents in this day and age? Our collective conscience learned a terrible lesson when this was done to American Indians. how do our lawmakers live with themselves...


Damn bible loving criminals...


And we had Sessions today quoting the Bible in regards to following our can’t get much worse! Where is Congress? Dead on the job?

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