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Some scenes around the garden today
Milkweed Longhorn Beetle
Fiery Skipper
Ermine Moth
Monarch butterfly
American Lady caterpillar

Leafhead 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Lovely....I love those little garden is a five acre paddock full of weeds at the moment, but I'll get to it.....<3

wendyt Level 2 June 16, 2018

Some of those "weeds" may be more valuable than you think. Lawn weeds like dandelions and violets are huge early nectar producers.
I cultivate such weeds as nettles and Pussytoes for their host plant properties. Plus nettles are edible and nutritious.


It is so nice to see nature at work! Thanks!

Thanx. I owe it all to Nature, in absence of pesticides, of course.




It looks like you might need to put up traffic signs for the little buggers.

No, just a Do Not Enter sign for the bunnies!


Keep 'em coming leafhead. I'm learning muchly.

Four more Monarch chrysalis look ready this morning. Pix are imminent.

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