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This case brought by the New York AG about the Trump Foundation is nothing but colossal trouble for the Trump presidency, the entire Trump family, and hundreds of big time Republican political donors. It could be the real "smoking gun." It appears that it is probably a conspiracy to evade taxes and to illegally funnel money into Trump's campaign coffers.
It appeared that a number of these donors owed Trump money, and instead of paying him the money, they put the amount they owed into the Trump foundation, also allowing them to claim a tax deduction for those "donation --and Trump dropped the debt claim. The rest were sheer political donors, who also claimed the phony tax exemptions. And, clear evidence shows that a great deal of the money found its way into politics.
This HUGE!!!It may well be the smoking gun that brings down the whole Trump cabal -- all by itself. It could even possibly be merged with Neuller's other investigations to become a crushing case against Trump. I predict that Trump's end is near.

wordywalt 9 June 15

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I'm not a vindictive person, but I am going to enjoy watching the Trump presidency crash and burn. My sense of justice and love of country demands it!


Crooks always find new ways to be crooks.

Marine Level 8 June 16, 2018

And, because they can't stop, many of them eventually get nailed.


I actually like this case, but for a different reason than the ones I see here. We've already seen the lengths the repubs will go to in order to keep from facing consequences for his actions. But this is a civil case. It could cost him money, the only thing he cares about. If staying in office starts getting expensive instead of profitable for him, it's possible he might just not want the presidency anymore. He'll spin it like he's a victim of a witch hunt, naturally. But if if this method is how we get him to take his toys and go home, then I am all for it.

Whatever it takes to get this truly evil nut case out of the White House!


Current congressional republicans will rush to shield and protect him. And we've seen how effective they can be. Maybe after November...


Nice thought, not happening. HOWEVER, the country needs to start calling him "Crooked Donald" because he has been charged with violation of the law and Hillary hasn't.

lerlo Level 8 June 16, 2018

It damned well better happen. It is up to us, the people, to ensure that the rule of law works in this country.


Don't hold your breath! He will not be found guilty!

Coldo Level 8 June 16, 2018

it's a civil case

@lerlo He will get off!

@lerlo Yes, it is a civil case right now, but the NY AG is also referring it to the IRS, and they can and very likely will be filing criminal charges.

@Coldo he won't get off but it won't affect his presidency

@lerlo It is NOT a civil case. It is an abundantly clear case of conspiracy to evade state and federal taxes. Wake up, people, and call for the rule of law.

@wordywalt the current case against him is a CIVIL case--could other charges follow perhaps. Maybe you shouldn't wake your friends until the criminal case...
Miami Herald· 2 days ago
A bombshell civil lawsuit filed Thursday by New York state Attorney General Barbara Underwood against President Trump, his kids and their not-for-profit foundation alleges ...

@lerlo You are totally wrong. It will inevitably be criminal case of conspiracy to evade state and federal taxes

@wordywalt reading might be an issue...see the "could other charges follow perhaps" part of my message. Guess you're backing off on the" it's not a civil case" huh?

@lerlo No way in hell!

@Coldo No way in hell, He has been so insistently corrupt, he will get nailed , on one charge or another.,

@wordywalt people not being able to read has been part of the problem

@wordywalt Doubt it.

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