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Not gonna lie... I've eaten a LOT of asparagus today. It's crazy how it makes your pee smell!

pepperjones 8 June 16

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I don't know if anyone has already said this but being able to smell that odor is a dominant genetic trait. Some people can't smell it. Fun fact.


yes why is that?

jacpod Level 8 June 16, 2018

What amazes me about the asparagus pee smell is how quickly I can smell it after eating. I'm talking like 20 minutes later. Whatever it is, it moves quickly through my system.


And how is that ?

Buddha Level 8 June 16, 2018

When I was about 10, my mom and I would go asparagus picking in my dad's old 40's hunting jeep. She would put it in low range and idle along the fence row while I cut the asparagus. That part was fun. What wasn't fun was when she insisted on cooking the plants in one of those old pressure cookers with the little weight on top. When it was done it smelled like hell and had the consistancy of green sheetrock spackle...which was a much better usage for it than eating that nasty slop. Because of that, I've probably only had 10 bites of asparagus since the 60's. Uck...but enjoy the scent!

The consistency of cooked asparagus shouldn't be as you describe. When done correctly IMO, it should be more like al dente pasta. It should bite back as they say. I never even tried it until I got married. Luckily my wife knows to make it this way. It is pretty good.


Lol!! I love asparagus never had that problem but have heard about it.


Asparagusic acid.

There has been a lot of scientific debate on if this is actually true.

Of course, the whole asparagus-urine scent issue is complicated by an entire separate issue: Some people simply don’t smell anything different when urinate after they eat asparagus. Scientists have long been divided into two camps in explaining this issue. Some believe that, for physiological reasons, these people (which constitute anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of the population) don’t produce the aroma in their urine when they digest asparagus, while others think that they produce the exact same scent, but somehow lack the ability to smell it.

Lukian Level 8 June 16, 2018


Coldo Level 8 June 16, 2018

@pepperjones Got it covered!


LOL ❤ asparagus.

Qualia Level 8 June 16, 2018

@pepperjones my favorite. As a kid my grandparents used to buy it in those slender cans for me to pig out on . LOL

@pepperjones no not pickled, plain. LOL /easily amused as a wee chirrun

@Stevil LOL my g-rents let me be a viking with it, they were alllll mine so. 😀

@Stevil LOL!!!
They're moosh tho, and cost more than fresh. Been a loooong time since I've gotten a can just for myself. have switched to fresh asparagus.
Nowadays that mo is reserved for canned artichokes & hearts of palm...


Yep. I had some on the grill with olive oil once. I wanted to run out of the bathroom! Brussle sprouts do the same.


That is a bit kinky.


You smell your pee??????

@JustKip THIS!!!

@JustKipI have but I don't sniff it but everyone to there own. you're not hurting anyone.

@JustKip just because I don't smell piss doesn't mean I stumble blindly. it means I'm not into smelling piss.

@JustKip whats it like being a dick?

@JustKip because your sniffing piss where I like to walk the dog or draw. everyone to there own mate.

@JustKip whats the subject again??????????


I thot the asparagus pee smell thing happened only to men.

rwhenn Level 4 June 16, 2018

LOL wut?
Uhm, NO.

No idea why. Always wondered. Now after 70+ years of being in possession of a great untruth, I know the truth! A new day has dawned!

@rwhenn LOL!!!!!


Promise I will never smell your pee ! Scouts honour !

Again in 3 sizes, Small, Med. And large for the conniseur and maybe an extra large for dirty old men like you and I. Maybe open a chain of restaurants calked PeepersPee family restaurant. You know of course we will have to make Peeper a partner. PeepersPee and Partners Family Restaurants. Now we rocking !

My apologies, calling you peeper is as unforgivable as you advertising your pee smell ? But OK , Peppers Pee and Partners family restaurant does sound more sophisticated ???

And Noooooo ! We will not have asparagus on the menu. No no no.


I have heard that.
Personally I can't stand the stuff.
I chow down on lots of pineapple though.
Doesn't have that effect, but much nicer than asparagus.


LOL thank you for sharing

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