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Hello Insane World; How are you-all doing this summer day ? I decided to write a little about a topic that I have been considering for a time now. .......Misanthropy......

“I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.”
― Samuel Johnson

“Betrayed and wronged in everything,
I’ll flee this bitter world where vice is king,
And seek some spot unpeopled and apart
Where I’ll be free to have an honest heart.”
― Molière, The Misanthrope

“people diminish me;
the longer I sit and listen to them
the more empty I feel but I don't get
the idea that they feel empty, I feel
that they enjoy the sound from their
― Charles Bukowski, Bone Palace Ballet

“You are not special. You're just fucking not. You're a bland, boring motherfucker just like everybody else. You ever been to the mall and just looked in the eyes of the fellow travelers and seen how dull and lifeless their eyes are? Yours look like that too. You know why? 'Cause you're just as bland, you're just as fucking boring, there's nothing special about you. And trying to piggyback on the accomplishments of your race, or like, any fucking larger group really, is pathetic. You have to stand on individual merit and you just can't accept the fact that you suck. It's alright! I suck, Weber sucks, everyone sucks! We're all fucking shit, we suck dick, we're lame as fuck. And that's okay. That's fine.”
― T.J. Kirk

Yes......We All Suck......and Ultimately Get What We Deserve. Oh Boy, the shit isa coming down the pipe and soonest....

EvoQ 4 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Hard to agree on this aspect we are greed riddled and selfish, however when disaster comes around the kindness caring and sharing comes out in the worst of us.

azzow2 Level 9 June 16, 2018

And you wonder why you're single..

@maturin1919 Thanks for pointing that out; As I didnt...... "Projection", others want to see the world as they see it fitting into their own reality. Cognitive Dissonance. I truly do like people. But I see so few that are truly Real, that I can speak my mind, and they can except me for who I am; rather for who they want me to BE, like this above lady does. Cheers

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