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Here in the Central Plains, we are sweltering in a string of consecutive ~100 Deg days. How do you spend indoors time when this hits?

BluesTunes 4 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Back in, I think, 2011 or so...we had 100days in a row over100 degrees. It's been over100 degrees a few times so far this year but mostly in the mid to upper 90s. I garden between 5 am and 7 am...and 8 pm and 10 pm. and hike/walk during those same hours. The rest of the day is spent indoors in the AC working 🙂 ...and sometimes I go to a local indoor pool where they also open the big doors and let the sun in on one side of it.


100 F is not so bad, just wait till it gets to 115. Anyway, drink plenty of water and just take it easy. It will pass and winter will be upon you very soon.


does it cool off at night at all?

btroje Level 9 June 17, 2018

Depends on the time of year. Right now into the 70s, in August maybe into the 80s.


Going to be 90 ish next 4 days. Dvd time i think errands early morning.


Playing ukulele and singing at my dogs!


I go outside only as needed, and ran errands early today to beat the heat. I have projects if I need distraction, I quilt, sew, I have a few books I need to finish, and there is laundry and cleaning to be done. Oy vey. I always have things to do indoors and out, the outside things will just wait til fall, or next spring.


Next to the ac




Cursing the humidity and dreaming of when I'll be able to escape it. The heat I can take, the humidity is like breathing underwater.

Right now at 1640 central it's 95 with a heat index of 101, it's cooling off some!


I go to the bridge club or the Y whenever possible.


I get my outdoor stuff done early early early. Then I either go and play racquetball for a while or catch up on my reading.


I truly feel for you and all that have to bear this. Today was the hottest day of the year and it only got into the mid 70's. There was a memorial but it was too hot to sit outside. Call us weather wimps.


My (never ending) home theater project (profile photo) with a long list of needed improvements. Killed a few hours working on it today.

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