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I'm new to the agnostic community. I love to push the boundaries and never want to be predictable. I graduated from nursing school one year ago, at 54 years old and haven't looked back. Would love to meet others who question the status quo.

clmartin 4 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Love that many are not accepting conventional norms to dictate how we should live our lives. Good for you to not let others set your goals and boundaries. I am new to the community and about to embark on new adventures the alternative of remaining stagnant and bored, but it is a bit scary and easy to talk oneself into "sensible" actions...keep us posted on your new changes!


In nursing school now and I'm 63. Never had to work so hard at homework.


Welcome. ??

Coldo Level 8 June 19, 2018

Hi, Clmartin, and welcome to the website,

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Welcome to our community. You'll fit right in. 🙂


There are at least a handful of us that do not like Trump and the Republicans. And, many don't like HIllary either. What's your idea of the status quo?

EdEarl Level 8 June 19, 2018

To me, it's continuing down a path simply because it's what's expected or accepted. It's holding the same set of beliefs for your entire life without question or self reflection.

@clmartin Many of us were born into religious families and have escaped, often with total loss of their family. IMO you will find quite a few reflective people here.


congrats on that rn!


An unofficial welcome, also having self-actualized in my second half century. Earned my doctorate and opened my therapy-practice at the age of 47. Life for me has always been evolutionary, as it seems to be for you. It's the only way to live for me. Wish you well.


You've come to the right place. Welcome!

MikeEC Level 7 June 18, 2018
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