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I just secured the username #Devil. Not sure if I love it or hate it. 🤷♂️

Devil 3 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Could illicit a Pavlovian response in some, but, hey...see how it


You can wear the name for awhile and see where it takes you. Really, it's just a name, like any name. If you're here for dating, I don't know if the name would work for you or against you. You can change it may be to something like HandsomeDevil or LuckyDevil or similar.


Whats in a name. Little devil is a comic book hero ?


Over 30k members and that name is still available, what does that tell you ... LOL ... just kidding 🙂


I've changed my name once and I'm glad I did. I was Carole Anne, and received dozens of messages referencing the movie Poltergeist. So many that it quickly became old. Choose wisely, it's the first thing people see and sometime will be the opener of conversations. 😉


Mine isn't very original, but it suits me as well as any.

JimG Level 8 June 19, 2018

Hi, Devil, and welcome to the website,

I'm guessing you'll get fewer positive responses for dates with a name like that.

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Wear it for a while, see if it suits. In an agnostic community its likely to raise only a few eyebrows, although some hidden Christians might think you're a troll.

Denker Level 7 June 19, 2018
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