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Here’s the scenario: Smokin’ hot coworker that you’ve known for over two years, and might be getting somewhere with, reveals in the middle of an interesting conversation that she wishes dinosaurs had actually existed. Confused, you ask if she means she wishes they were still around. No. She means she thinks dinosaurs never roamed the earth, and fossils are really just rocks that imaginative people thought looked like bones.
Other coworker chimes in. According to him, there is plenty of proof (in the Bible, of course) that dinosaur fossils aren’t fossils at all. They are actually ancient idols carved from stone.
You walk out of the room, but when you return the subject has changed to Flat-Earth theory, and how you can prove the Earth is flat, because you can see the North Star from Australia. Hot coworker is buying it 100%.
How does this change how you see hot coworker?

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FutureFicus 5 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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My motto: If she's a bitch or an idiot she might as well be ugly

lerlo Level 8 June 24, 2018

If he's that dumb, he's not hot.


Poles apart doesn't work. A little bit dippy sometimes I can cope with, as long as they're also kind and have a sense of humour 🙂 No one's perfect.


I would probably put together some facts to help her understand that whatever she was taught before wasn't true. If that didn't help, our relationship could never progress any further.

You can't help having been taught incorrect information as a child, you can decide to learn what is actually factual once you become an adult. If somebody proved to me that something I believed based on false childhood input was truly bullshit, I would be grateful and make an effort to learn the actual facts.

She outright rejected my response. Apparently fossils caught in amber were in recent decades as decorations and movie props. And that nodosaurus fossil that’s so well preserved? It must be a dead crocodile with cancer or something.

@FutureFicus it's so sad that people can be so closed minded to learning new things!

@FutureFicus wow, well at least you found out that she's not for you.


Stupidity turns beauty into fruit fly shit.


Of course you can. I'm flattered.


Oh my goodness! Now I understand why my comment resonated so much.

That sounds horrible. I've had a few battles with fruit flies myself over the years. Nothing of your magnitude though.

I researched things on the Internet, and subsequently won one particular battle. I washed bananas as soon as I bought my grocery shopping home and dried them. I then stored them in the fridge. Any banana skins were discarded and put outside.

I learned that fruit flies lay their eggs on the skins of fruit. So washing and drying fruit is one effective strategy.

It's a shame swallows or other insect eating birds don't descend on Delaware en mass during this season. I wonder if there is a solution.


And it only took you 2 years to notice her speak, huh?

Lol! I didn't feel like commenting twice, but yes, this was my first thought!

Note some of my other replies. Sometimes idiocy doesn’t show until you hit the subject.



Intelligence #1 trait in a partner.


The hot coworker turns into a deep freeze. Like Hazydays says below😀umb as a brick= huge turnoff.


I’m glad to see that most of you have the same mindset. There is nothing attractive about anyone who can’t think.


Unless you are only interested in using their bodies for your own pleasure, which in my book would be immoral, don't even think about it.


I’m attracted to what’s between your ears more than I’m attracted to what’s between your legs ?
Dumb as a brick = huge turn off.



Sapiosexuality is more important to me...sorry, but no amount of physical attraction can overcome the mind in my book...if you aren't looking for anything special, go for it...because it will soon end anyway.

It still surprises me how a woman can go from beautiful to physically revolting within the span of a few words.

@FutureFicus Because you are more evolved than many...I think at the base of humanity, there are those who operate fundamentally on a physical level...pure animalistic instinct, so to you evolve, mature, whatever...your mind needs, craves, more...and it will be more enduring as well since we all age and physically become "less beautiful"


You might want to rethink what you consider hot...

Up to that point, most of our conversations had been related to physiology, music, art, etc. This was the first time I got any clue that she is severely lacking in logic and reason.

It’s like seeing a puppy from a distance, and thinking “A puppy! Cute!”, but when you approach you realize it’s a mangy opossum. “No, wrong. Definitely not cute.”

Edit: I have a better analogy. Do you remember that scen in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” where Eddie Valiant thinks he’s seeing Jessica Rabbit, but when she turns around, she’s a grotesque deformed clone of Jessica Rabbit? That. That’s what happened there.

@FutureFicus or the bathtub scene in The Shining


Yup , for me ... "poof", just like that. And no amount of hotness or appeal would change that.

Almost my thoughts exactly. The only thing different is, now there is no hotness or appeal to even try to redeem anything.
Lack of intelligence doesn’t just trump physical appeal to me. It erases it. She is no longer even physically attractive.

@FutureFicus Amazing how that works. Also usually irreversible !


Once when I was much younger than I am today, I dated a woman who purported to be a practitioner of Wicca. Not just "trees and crystals are nice, let's listen to my Tori Amos CD again, the-Goddess-says-do-as-ye-please-save-ye-harm-no-other" Wicca. Nope: she said she was a witch! An otherwise bright, pleasant, and physically attractive witch. Who sometimes purported to cast innocent or playful spells on me. She seemed to have fun with it and like a lot of young men, I was willing to put up with a certain quantity of B.S. because it originated from an eager and winsome sex partner.

So candidly, yes, there is still some level of B.S. I'd be willing to tolerate still. Dinosaurs and a flat earth? Based on lessons learned from my Wiccan ex-girlfriend, I'll offer an analogy.

That car is built for speed, not durability. Nothing wrong with taking it for a spin a couple of times for fun. But do wear your, um, "seat belt" while "driving," because there's a good chance it's going to crash at some point.

See, as for me, I’ve never been much of a speed demon. Give me the durable car.

As they say on the internet, Your Mileage May Vary.

See, the analogy holds up!


The fastest way to kill hotness is for the stupid to come out.


No, Now you got me stumped ! Imagine you screwing her and she happens to ask if your mother was an Alien or something ?


where are yall working? pretty sure it's not mcdonnell-douglas or rocketdyne ... so i would say she's still hot.
i got a friend that is baptist and thinks the dinosaur bones were placed by man recently.... that's kinda hard to believe that somebody would believe that.

I’m a little bit confused here. Are you saying intelligence is only a necessary or attractive attribute for those working in fields that specifically require intelligence?
If that’s the case, I wholeheartedly disagree. For me, you can’t be hot and dumb at the same time.

i meant that if i was in your situation.. working, let's say at AAFES (i used to work there) and there was a really cute chic (like one i know that works at AAFES), i would overlook her lack of intelligence...girl at aafes isn't brainy at all but still cute.


When she's a lady treat her like a lady. if not fuck it.

Spoken like a true gentleman.

@Ellatynemouth its the essence of what I said rather than exactly that and it works both ways, also fuck them doesn't just mean sex.

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