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Do you keep your emotions and feelings to
yourself ? Or do you allow others in ?

Wildgreens 8 June 19

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I let others in..or if pissed off..waaay out the door.


I tend to be very open with my positivity, and much less so with negative thoughts and feelings.

DerekD Level 7 June 19, 2018

It really depends upon the issue. With the deeply personal stuff, I keep my feelings to myself, most of the time.
I loathe whining and complaining, so I tend not to do it. I don't 'share' a lot. Everyone has their own problems. I see no need to burden anyone else with mine.
As far as politics and my anti-theism,
I'll shout that shit from the rooftops.


Depends upon the other person.


I keep my friends close and they know my inner most thoughts, but in general I don’t feel I have anything to hide.

Kkat05 Level 2 June 19, 2018

I usually keep emotions to myself but children being taken from their parents sure makes it hard.


Only if asked 'whats wrong' do I respond with feelings and emotions. But there are times I will not -- depends on what I'm suppressing. Few recognize my facial expressions and moods to know that something is bothering me.

xyz123 Level 7 June 19, 2018

As an introvert I feel more than can show. Many things can make me vulnerable and I only can talk about its after they passed. I think you must ask yourself about the things you have in your heart. If its can helped someone (if you think that) you should be able to speak, if its cannot help anyone you should be able to be silent.


Everybody knows what I am feeling...I show joy and anger equally


Cautiously allow others in.


Definitely allow others in.


I typically keep my emotions to myself. I find in my circle, no matter what they say, most people really don't give a shit and only pay lip-service to your problems and give poor advice cause they don't really have a clue what's going on anyway, so why bother?


I am told that If was any more laid back i would always be fast asleep. Doesn't mean i don't feel strong emotions inside. Having said that I have occasionaly broken down in private.

Nardi Level 7 June 19, 2018

Always keep them to myself, even if often unintentionally. On teh surface I am an emotional void.


Both. It is situational. The question is too binary.


Mostly hidden. I don't hide some of my anger here because l don't really know any of the people on this site.l open up about my feelings with a very small and select group of people. That seems fairly normal to me.


Very to myself. I may allow someone to read what I wrote but once is written becomes fiction as far my soul is concern.


Mmmmmm..... i suppose sharing is ok. Its hard to say.... it would have to be to a trusted special person.... maybe that way Ild do it....☺

There's nothing wrong with sharing and venting.

@Wildgreens yes....?


I feel it's best to let them out, but as a child I learned to keep them in and I've never been able to overcome that tendency.

Jnei Level 8 June 19, 2018

I'm completely open and honest about who I am. The people who are attracted to that are the best people in the world. They're also open and honest. Who wouldn't want more people like that in their lives?


Depends on the company and the situation. I've been told Im very reserved by some folks and by others that Im pretty laid back. If you earn my trust, i share. If i have any questions about your integrity, i am more reserved. I have a general neutral trust for everyone until they show what side of the fence they are on.

I can understand that.


I usually keep my personal feelings and emotions to myself around people that I don’t know very well. With people that I know and trust, I am more open with my feelings and emotions, though have always tended to hold back a little. I’m trying to be more open with the people close to me because I believe it’s hard to develop any relationship if you remain closed off.


I don't keep my feelings to myself. Years ago, I learned to use "I" statements.

I think
I feel
I want
I need
I appreciate
I love

My personal goals are to be kinder and a better listener. Tact is important.


I don't trust. I keep them in. The last relationship in which I shared, cost me dearly. In the breakup, he used personal things that I trusted him with, against me. My son is in prison. A co worker looked my life up online, found the info about my son, and proceeded to share that info behind my back to anyone that would listen in the office. She pulled up his info online and showed my boss. My boss did not think her behavior incorrect. I trust no one. I fucking hate people.

OW! That would really hurt! I understand your anger and feel sorry you had to through all that.


It depends on how much I trust the other, and whether or not I have any desire to engage in an interpersonal relationship with that person.


I'm not too hard of an egg to crack...of course then you might be trying to put that shell back together rofl

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