How bad would things have to get for US citizens to seriously rebel - an uprising? Could that ever happen?
A buddy of mine was talking to his car mechanic (who lived through the Russian revolution) about this very topic a couple of months ago. My friend mentioned to him that we might end up having a revolution in the United States very soon, to which his mechanic shook his finger at him and replied, you know nothing of revolution or how bad things have to get in order for that to happen.
We're not at the point of revolution yet. Hopefully we can clean up this disaster in the voting booth. But if blood and revolution are what it comes to, then it wouldn't be the first time we've had to rely on bloodshed to put down tyranny in this country.
@Faithless1 Would it be ok with you if I start spreading rhetoric like this to start a rebelion in your country, even when you know that I am not even from there?
What? He is in his country & the last time I heard we were a free country able to discuss anything. Maybe w are losing our freedoms because of people such as you who wish to censor speech on uncomfortable subjects. Revolution is how we were born. Don't you forget it.
@Countrywoman the original posting is coming from @Faithless1, which profile says Australia. (BTW is a she). Now I am asking you, since you have pick up the conversation... Is it ok for an Australian to steer things in any country?. Also, I didn't censor anything, I did ask HER a question.
Yes, it could.
No, it won't;
Panem et circenses
Things would have to affect a majority of folks in a most adverse manner. As long as there is an election looming there will be a rebellion at the polls & not on the streets.It took years for the anti war movement to gain enough support to end the Vietnam war & we have been at war in Afghanistan for 16 years. Complacent & obese Americans are not likely to rebel other than at the polls. If there is the coup as many of us fear is occurring, perhaps decades from now a different generation might take up arms. That is what the 2nd Amendment is there for.
I don't know, it is a tricky one considering that there are so many weapons in the US.
@Faithless1 I think it will not come to that. Can you imagine with so many people being armed in the US how that would pan out. Thousands upon thousands dead.
Yeah, it could happen. Hope it doesn't come to that.
I think it would have to be something that directly affected a lot of people.
No need to rebel in the USA while we have peaceful semi-honest elections every 4 years. The people in Venezuela need to rebel but they don't have any weapons to rebel with. Contrary to myth, revolutions don't start out of despair but rather out of hope.