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True commitment takes effort and sacrifice.
Do you choose your commitments wisely ?

Wildgreens 8 June 21

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I'm not sure l do much of anything wisely.


I chose mine fully understanding the commitment, my brother is dying..


These days I do. When I was young, not so much.


I believe no commitment to anyone is effortless, as pleasurable as it may seem. That's because relationships change over time, regardless of how synergistic they seem initially. I believe as well that a true commitment always involves, if not sacrifice, risk of sacrifice--not only because people change over time, but because the relationship means something. I like to think that learning from my previous experiences has wizened me considerably.


No....on wisely. I can't explain that word to make others happy. It kind of changes from person to person. I do just what seems good at the time. some say I have a death wish. I've pissed people off in the risks I took to be on the edge. I still act out and look so unwise to others. I like to have fun and make people smile. I confuse people. Some think they have me figured out. I've taken a whopper back to the counter and told them to give me one like the one on that picture. My wife would just walk I like people and say complimentary things to them... not.


The older i have gotten the more careful I have become. I choose much more wisely than I did in the past.


What do you mean by true commitment?

Why does true commitment take effort and sacrifice?

As well meaning as this post may be, the wording rubs me the wrong way.


Except for my first marriage, I have made my commitments wisely. In my first marriage, I put in the effort and sacrifice, but my efforts were not reciprocated.


On both sides.


There are different kinds of commitments.
Committing to babysit, committing to a relationship, committing to bake a cake for someone, the list goes on.


No insults intended, but this kinda belongs in another section.

I have no clue what section it should be. Forgive me brain damage.

@Bairsdad No it's not


It should probably be in "Love & Relationships"

@Wildgreens No brain damage! Your choice of category seems correct. I suspect our friend Daniel didn't recognise the multi-levelled aspects of your question.


Even if that were ever true, for a multi-levelled question, shouldn't it be in the category where they provide for general discussion? Stop being annoying

@DZhukovin Excuse me! Please identify in what context my response to the poster is annoying you. Besides, the questioner is seeking a discussion to widen their personal understanding. Philosophy seems a very appropriate segment for the query.


I choose not to commit, at least in the way I think you are referring too.

There are different kinds of commitments.

@Wildgreens I commit to being a good and faithful friend, to respect you as who you are.

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