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Fbuk just offered me the gentleman in the attached photo as a potential "friend".
Do you think he is agnostic?
Would you like your daughter to marry him?
Would you like to make love to him?
Do the adornments, I won't say enhancements, enhance or hinder lovemaking?

FrayedBear 9 June 21

Enjoy being online again!

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If he is opposed to this administration's policies.......I would date this person & if I had spawn, I would permit them to date this person. Why does everyone assume this person is a man? I have many questions........................................................


which gentleman? i see a heap of scrap metal 😀 😀 😀


I guess he's not a frequent flyer.

Gareth Level 7 June 22, 2018

Looks an winner,go for It!????

Coldo Level 8 June 22, 2018

LMAO You could have fun with wires and a source of electricity though.

He would not be of much use in a street fight or a rugby scrum though I doubt his brain could be worse affected.


Make love to the tune of jingle bells ? Played by some Heavy Metal band ?


One more piercing and he would be perfect!



An interesting case study.

t1nick Level 8 June 21, 2018

I would only advise him to stay away from powerful magnets.

Could be alloys.

@FrayedBear Good point. ..........I hope he doesn't get an itch.

@RoseyRose ROFL

@RoseyRose or need an MRI in a hurry. Would love to see him touch a Tesla coil. Dude'd probably turn into a lite-brite.

@chalupacabre lol... a Lite-Brite


What a prick! ☺

Surprised his name isn't Piers?

@FrayedBear Pierced Brosnan

@chalupacabre Good one. ?


And like false teeth wearers, does he take them out each night before going to bed?
Do we have anyone who can explain the psychological need/ desire to do this?

Nah when it reaches these levels I have no explanation.

Could be addiction to the endorphin rush like people who get covered in tattoos have?

@RavenCT ? Don't know!

Needs attention. Circus? Stage show? Too much time on his hands. Ripley's Believe it or not? Is from that country that is becoming aberrant? Oh, wait......that's us.

@Countrywoman lol. Becoming? That sounds like cognitive dissonance - how about "has been aberrant for a long time"?

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