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God is supposed to be good, kind and just and if this is so then we must live in hell! Because I don't see any of that going on here, Earth is a terrific place if we could just live here without people, it's be great! Oh, and get rid of religion that would be a great start.

Tourirst 7 Dec 29

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I'm just rattling on today and the post makes no sense, but what the fudge! I probably read to much Trump nonsense today and that swayed me...


I like your post, but it's too idealistic to be realistic. And you can't live in a world without people if you are one.


If God is Good, he's not God. If God is God, he's not good.

@Gwendolyn2018 you know, the generic one they contact for wars and sporting events.


Having some great friends, caring family and an awesome child that gives me joy. Hmm, I guess I have to put up with other people, but they don't have to take up any space in my head. God and religion are two different things in my book. I don't see any good coming out of any religion. That I could totally live without.


it would be mostly paradise without people, they are my only fear.


I would agree with removing religion's yet as humans we have to have something going for us which is why there's so many different religion's out there and none of them wants to admit they all teach the same thing just worded differently.


As a child, before I gave up religion, I did wonder how we could know if we'd been tricked and God was the evil one with Satan being the benevolent one.

Right?! I've always thought if God WAS REAL.... meaning Satan is too.. what if Satan is the good one?! Because when I was younger I was told by some other kid that when you here thunder it is god and satan fighting over heaven. If Satan one, he became the new god, if God still won he'd remain as the ruler over us. To my brain as a kid that was like God and Satan fighting over the heavy weight championship belt! Would God keep his belt and title or would Satan become the new champion? Lol!!!

hear won If God won he'd still remain *

@AccursedHalo that's the thing right, the characters swap places, the show goes on, and the audience have no idea

It would certainly explain why God is all about smiting the sinner and turning the disobedient into pillars of salt whilst all Satan cares about is turning us away from God. Good thing none of it is real!

There is a series of children's books called His Dark Materials in which God is a geriatric megalomaniac that has become mentally incompetent... A sort of omnipotent Donald Trump. That idea would also explain why God seems so unhinged.

In 1984 I read “To Reign in Hell” a novel by Steven Brust who has god being a SOB and the fallen angels as pawns in god’s grand design. I was just leaving religion and it got me thinking. Also in the garden it is god who lies, and the serpent who tells the truth about dying on that day. God also kills millions in the Bible while Satan had ten total and that, with god’s permission. I could go on. I think you nailed it.


Wishful thinking.....I wish the same-religion is just one barrier.

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