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My mind may be in a dark place tonight. I just clicked into one of the groups I belong to and read the "You're a Member" message as "You're a Murderer". I actually felt a little stab of guilt and had an "oh no" moment. Paranoia or wishful thinking?

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pixiedust 8 June 23

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Wishful thinking?

I'm noticing a with Americans.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets 🙂


Watching too much news about Trump?......LOL

I shudder at the thought of politics poisoning my Freudian slips. Must go wash my brain now.


So when you felt that little bit of guilt, who did you think you had murdered?

I'll never tell ... 😉

@pixiedust Good idea. Let us hope that nobody from FBI or some other police agency is on this site.

@Jolanta LOL. Monitoring this site would not be a job I'd want 🙂

@pixiedust I agree. I had a friend who was all into conspiracy theories; she wouldn’t text for fear of eavesdropping/spies, whatever. I just laughed. I pity the fool who has to read my texts!


I mean, ARE you a murderer? Hoping it’s not a guilty conscience thing!!

I admit to nothing 😉


displaced guilt for some lesser failing would be my guess.

Well, I often think about how many living things die simply so I can survive ..

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