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I sent the following letter to the editor of the Tampa Bay Times today:

Except for those brought into America as slaves, the vast majority of our ancestors came into this country to escape hardship and danger, and to create a better life for themselves and their children. Yet, today, Donald Trump and his elfin moral midget Jeff Sessions have criminalized that behavior. And, as a whole, the Republican Party is supporting the assault on immigration.
In the early 1800s, the Know Nothing party came into being with the same focus. Thankfully, it also disappeared quickly. Are today's Republicans reincarnated Know Nothings" ? If so, let us hope that their demise occurs equally quickly. I am a native born American southerner and military veteran, and I am ashamed of the hatred, and bigotry being expressed in the actions of the Trump administration on this issue. We are a damned sight better than that.

wordywalt 9 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Republican party should be known as the party that does not want to know anything and just keep everything the way it was. That is why a republican that is a moderate is an oxymoron

Marine Level 8 June 25, 2018

The US has remained the most generous nation in the world with regard to legal immigration, and perhaps the most tolerant of illegal immigration. But it’s no longer the seventeenth century… Our nation is full and our resources nearly depleted. If we allowed it, we could likely empty all of central america, where would it end?

Trump is president in large part for having stuck to his guns on illegal immigration, when none of the umpteen republican primary contenders would. He stuberly acknowledged the national discontent with what’s become a silent invasion … and is now profiting from that stance.. A failure of ‘the left,’ in my view.

Perhaps one needed to be raised on the west coast of america to have witnessed the decade by decade detrimental effects of unchecked illegal immigration. Not only had the US allowed from 350,000 to 500,000 legal immigrants in per year - they ignored, then rewarded with amnesty (Reagan) those having snuck in illegally...

Yes, the Democrats welcomed and viewed them as likely democrat voters … while the Republicans used them to break unions, undercut wages and underclass labor. Win win? No, a fact that’s become increasingly obvious to american workers whose entry level and manual labor jobs were consumed by newly/ illegal labor, whose social services have been consumed and whose schools are inundated by gangs and costly programs aimed at assimilating an alien culture. The working people, especially on the west coast, get it.. And if this situation isn’t finally gotten under control, politicians, most often from the dark side, will continue to use it to their advantage.

Varn Level 8 June 25, 2018

I understand your concerns, but the data do not support many of your contentions.

@wordywalt Had I included ‘the data,’ this would have been a far more lengthy piece. Here’s a good location for ‘the numbers’ [] And sentiment, especially from those fearful of being called/ labeled ‘a racist’ is often difficult to come by. Much of mine was ascertained ‘working’ the Democrat’s party booth in varying sized towns across a large red western county, for many years.. A read of people, exposure to reliable numbers, extended observation, research and job-related familiarity has led to my conclusions.

@Varn The site you list is not a fair unbiase4d site. It is an anti-immigration propaganda site. It is not credible.

@wordywalt It goes out of it’s way to remain credible … but those with preconceived thoughts and desires on the subject have no intention of learning the facts. It’s also the reason I give my own observations and researched examples as opposed to sending anyone to ‘a link.’

Again, it’s sadly obvious when some are looking to nitpic numbers while ignoring the larger, if blatantly obvious picture … though a political tactic I’ve witnessed for ..ever. I follow the same instincts that lead my Atheism - honest observation backed by reliable research. Not much of what I recall came from ‘Numbers,’ and I realized they’d likely become little more than a target, to some, but you asked.

@Varn You have a right to your opinion, but I disagree. Having had 7 graduate level statistics, research design, , and analysis of research courses, I know how easy it is to insert bias into data and into research design and make a study appear credible when it is not.

@wordywalt Agreed, and both sides do it.. Numbers has become the most reliable clearing house of sorts on the subject that I’m aware of. And it hurts to know so many progressives feeling it’s become ‘their duty’ to side with the open borders movement..

I’m actually skipping our monthly democrats meeting tonight because I don’t care to be the only one in the room ‘defending’ the enforcement of our immigration laws. So they’ll come up with some one-sided far-left proclamation our congressional candidate will have to defend this summer folks who know better … thus reelecting one of the most regressive congressmen in the country.. Shit.


Will you let us know if it gets published?



Well said. The only other thing I would've added is to say something about Native Americans.


I am an immigrant. I became US Citizen under Obama administration. I have done everything by the book, every step along the way as everybody must. However, the point I must emphasize (as I have before), things were NOT easier for me then as they are not any more difficult today. All this border/immigration stuff allegedly going on today, it has been happening forever. Its politics today as it ever has been. Illegals have helped to build this country because it was a win win situation for years. Lot of work had to be done, borders were open with law enforcement looking the other way. When work was scarce, have them deported. This is not going to continue forever and its just a hard reality. The country is now above the population number where it just cannot be the land of plenty for everyone. You want to jump on the wagon and blame it all on a political party or current POTUS, go right ahead. They will be gone eventually, the next cycle will come around with other administration for other POTUS but this problem won't go away. People will keep trying to sneak ilegally into the country and that will suit some in favor, some aganst it it always has.

Well stated.

@wordywalt I've tried to hit like but to no avail. The button is acting up. Thanks for your comment


America is a great Nation full of great people. It's unfortunate that the evangelical Christians have been calling the shots since the Reagan era but I believe that they're all dying a slow death in terms of numbers and influence.
Your country will hopefully see a return to relative sanity soon. Hello from Scotland!

THANK YOU! We sincerely hope you're right!


The only thing I regret is, I can only like this once. Bravo, sir.

Ozman Level 7 June 24, 2018






Etre Level 7 June 24, 2018

Good for you for making the public more aware, since your goal is to VOTE THE CORRUPT GOP OUT OF OFFICE, and to make sure your liberal friends vote also.

It is abundantly clear that every person who finds Trump lacking in character, intelligence, and judgment turn out to vote, so we can embarrass him so badly that he will hesitate to appear in public again. We must also flip Congress to create a government of, by, and for the people again. In all honesty, we need to shame Republican voters into not voting.

@wordywalt Can't imagine THAT happening! They'll all turn out to support the treasonous groper. Should be interesting, yes?

@LucyLoohoo Remember, nearly half of eligible voters chose NOT to vote in the last election. The president lost the popular vote, and less than a quarter of voters elected him. If you can just get over the apathy, it could be overwhelming.

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