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This one's for the men.

Nottheonlyone 7 June 25

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This is all fine and dandy, but it's still formulating an excuse for the criminal who perpetrates the crime. At some point people become adults and need to take responsibility for their decisions regardless of what occurred in their formative years.

We don't let off pedophiles for molesting children simply because in most cases these people were molested as children themselves. Same applies here. The decision to force one self upon another sexually without consent is a choice which the individual makes of their own accord. And they do it as a fully responsible adult.

Attempting to excuse such behavior at any level because someone had issues growing up doesn't work in a court room. And it doesn't convince me.

It's not an excuse. Nowhere in this piece is rape defended, sugarcoated, or excused. This is about what needs to happen to change our culture to prevent rape entirely, to change the way we connect with each other.


Good article. A lot of truth there. I was lucky that I had my father to learn from, but he must have learned it from his mother, because his father was about as far from nurturing as you could get.


Sure, but just knowing that won't make men change, since they've been ridiculed and bullied all their lives by male peers and elders into their misogynisitc ways.

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