6 15

I'm bipolar. I hate it. It's so awesome.

Duke 8 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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There's someone for everyone. For you it's a psychiatrist.


Can't spell either......LOL

Thanks for the catch. Sometimes my thumbs on my phone make even dumber than I already am.


That is soooo good.


I have multiple personalities, and things can get hectic at times...

@SpikeTalon Humble respect from me for dealing with that. I have enough trouble with just one.

@Duke I was just joking of course, although I must say at times I think there are other voices in my head, and I can't quite put my finger on that much. Perhaps I think too much and the thoughts get cobbled together? I once read a story about some woman who had 64 distinct personalities, that would drive me bonkers. I wouldn't know if I was coming or going, and imagine getting up in the morning and fighting with yourself over what to wear? I'm sorry to hear that about your mother by the way, no human being should ever have to endure such an ailment. Being that you apologized over a prior joke tells me you are truly a decent human being, so all good there Duke.

@SpikeTalon I once married a woman who hid her other personalities from me until after we were wed. Then, I was expected to accept the "indescretions" that occurred because they were the acts of a different person. Man... I learned a lot about many different people from that one relationship. And, thanks for the compliment. ?


Try Borderline personality disorder..

Name tells you all you need to know. If I pushed just a little further, I might have a personality.

dellik Level 6 June 27, 2018

Have you tried building a wall for that borderline? I understand you can claim that Mexico will pay for it and then get the American tax payers to cover the cost. It's cheaper than the cost of healthcare in America.

@Duke yeah, but the tariffs are going to play hell on my subconscious im sure

@dellik Well, shit. You should start charging an import fee for accepting personalities based on an arbitrary border that only you can define. Beat 'em at their own mind game.


Tri being quad polar

Yes. No. Maybe. And, WTF?!?

@Duke And then some...

We can try quin polar if you like ?

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