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You may; Hate. Despise. Ridicule. Mock.
But he's doing what he said he'd do if elected:

bigpawbullets 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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You are so right. Look at that magnificent wall that is being built! I am so stupid for doubting that he could get Mexico to pay for it. I also doubted him when he said he would repeal and replace Obamacare with something great. I also doubted him when he said he was great at infrastructure and he would rebuild our country’s roads and bridges. Wow! Was I wrong about that! I even feel more stupid because I didn’t think he would improve the federal budget deficit. And, I hate to admit this, but I even doubted that he could renegotiate NAFTA and reign in China.


He said he was going to drain the swamp, the people he has picked are worse than the people they replaced.
He has disrespected our veterans more than once
He called some countries in Africa "shit hole countries"
He called the Pope a disgrace
There is a documented list of over 3000 lies since he took office.
Over 200 countries have signed the Paris agreement and it has been ratified by 147, A few billion people are wrong and he's right?
Hundreds of thousands of people have protested him at some point in time, so they're wrong and he's right
They say there are 11 or 12 million illegal aliens in this country. There are over 300 million people in this country. That's 3% of the population, and he's using way more than 3% of our resources on them.How much "free " stuff can they use
He has no respect for anything
He lies about stuff nobody cares about except him
He calls main stream media dishonest and anything about him is "fake news" didn't happen.
He argues with people in the middle of a crisis.
He has never apologized for the hateful shit he says.
Yes, I see a pattern he is a walking disease on humanity.

I like your passion about topics important to you Mike. Some of the above are opinions, some are beliefs, some are factoids from sources that might or might not be objective. But I'm glad you posted this.

@bigpawbullets The point is, he doesn't care about anything but himself
He's not the boss, he is a elected official, and he is supposed to do what a majority of people want, not the 30% that support him.

Interesting view Mike.
I'd say that; Yep, he's THE BOSS. Symbolically anyway. Elected means hired in this context, at least to me. All politicans endeavor to please those that voted them into office. He's doing, and accomplishing what his electorate expects of him. Thirty percent of the people support him? Well, apparently that thirty percent was responsible enough to go vote. Which is an interesting commentary on all the "terribly concerned and upset" Liberals. Where were they on election day?
Busy commenting and posting on Agnostic.Com?


@Captain_Feelgood You are right about the election
he's not supposed to do for his supporters, his supposed to do what the majority of people want, and they're not it.


Sure is.


Hilllieary beat herself. With a little help from Wiki Leaks. We knew tax reforms would get passed. Be happy you lived a life before trickle down became much of a road bump to your time here. What it's going to leave behind when you're gone is a completely different story at this rate! The 3% that is still relevantly an over lapse of Obama's mask on the economy? Being Trumps actions really haven't had time to be analyzed into the figures. Most of my news tells me he's just putting the same mask over the economy and employment figures the 2 goons before him did. And wait until all this tariff crap settles in resulting in higher prices for, well, a LOT of stuff. Yea, the embassy move was such a great accomplishment. A great show or murder it brought to us and our complicity to it. Fucking brilliant. Korea? Hold that thought! Nothing really happened at the table on those 2 sheets of paper but 2 posers signing their names. 2 Posers that like to tell stories, call people names, back track on a large degree of their spoken word, which one of them is likely to do. I bet its Trump. I see a pattern alright. It's the same pattern that's been developing since the Reagan era that has been slowly tearing apart the middle class, our infrastructure, and other countries. Have I said be happy you lived a life where you'll most likely miss the worse of this. You obviously have missed the beginning of it. We're all happy for you. BTW, how about a list of that he hasn't kept. It's a hell of a lot longer!

One simply needs to successfully strive to depart the middle class.


I like the one from Baby Huey Bush: "Donald Trump is not a serious candidate." 🙂



yep and Dems hate it - with every accomplishment Trump becomes more of a favorite in 2020.

gater Level 7 June 27, 2018

Yeah, the racists knew what they wanted and what they were getting...


Actually, Hillary won the popular vote. Yes, he did pass tax reform, but it benefitted the rich, not you or me. Nobody thought he'd be dumb enough to move the embassy, but HE was. He did get North Korea to the table and what did he get? NOTHING!

Nothing? tell that to the 3 hostages

@gater whoops. You’re right on that one. One.

You have to give respect to get respect
That's his job, he didn't do anything special.


Nobody saw the help coming (Russia, Comey)

Nobody figured how spineless the supposed Fiscal Responsible Republican Congress turned out to be.

People under estimated the strength and momentum the economy had going into 2017.

People knew he was an asshole, they under estimated just how much of an in your face asshole he really is.

China and So. Korea are the ones who laid the ground work for the summit, remember he met with the leaders of both before he met Trump.

The pattern I see is Trump supporters in very Trumpion fashion overselling his accomplishments.

Ok. I confess. I watched the old movie, "Wag The Dog" last night. I blame that for causing me to post this.


Doing what he said he'd do? You're either high or a fox news addict. He's done NOTHING he promised except he tried to keep out Muslims.

lol - where do you get your news?

Where do you get your news from...CNN (Criminal News Network)?

@SpikeTalon Good one!


He has broken all six populist promises: 1. Negotiate prescription prices for Medicare saving Americans $300 billion a year. Nope. 2. Raise taxes on the rich, including himself. Nope. 3. Renegotiate NAFTA. Nope. 4. Replace Obamacare with something better. Nope. 5. Infrastructure spending. Nope. 6. Drain the swamp. Nope, biggest swamp filler since Reagan. Not sure what promises you are talking about, but the promises that would actually help the working class ... big fat screw you from Trump.


"he would never shoot himself ridding the world of his filth once and for all."

... Come on magic phrasesing, Daddy needs a new executive branch.


Yeah - I see a pattern alright ...

" No one can undo America in a little over a year, and divide it's people into hateful factions that will undo all America stood for, and allow the wealthiest to rule " - Me.


How about tripling the national debt? How about throwing children into cages? THIS is making us great?

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