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Went out to Hammond, a town closer to the Pacific Ocean than Astoria. The Columbia River is over four miles wide here, the town of Chinook and Ilwaco are in Washington on the opposite shore. Thought the people on this site might enjoy the scenery.

dalefvictor 8 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Lovely. It's funny how baby sea gulls are almost as big as the adults.


We rented a condo and stayed near Long Beach for a weekend last month. We really enjoyed visiting the Saturday market in Ilwaco, the Cape Disappointment state park, and the pretty town of Oysterville.


THANKS! When we were there, I looked across that river and imagined the early people, paddling in canoes, putting out fish nets, possibly collecting birds' eggs....nice thought.

There is a place on the Washington side called Dismal Nitch. Unfortunately they knew little of what was edible, with the Pacific, the River, and the flora it is almost like a store.


Go there all the time for work. Beautiful drive!




Nice! I spent some time in various spots in Washington and Oregon for work back in the day, but never made it there.


I was in that area less than a month ago on vacation. Beautiful. But I am an odd duck - I don't dream of Hawaii - I dream of forests primeval. Or at least forests up north like this area. Where some see 'cold' I see colors and life and change of season - each one bringing different colors and shadows and lights. Where some see snow as being 'all white' I see it as shapes and forms and contrasts. Some think of the desert in this way. They love the color and beauty. But I think of that for the north in winter. But it is summer now, so I'm all about the green trees and hills and mountains. I really live in the wrong part of the country! That beach is pretty fun, as well. The river is beautiful as well upriver. Ah, I'm ready for another vacation!

Holli Level 6 June 27, 2018

To me, it's all north, dark, cold. Not somewhere I'd ever want to be. But some people prefer the cold so to each their own.

Well the only time it gets cold, lower than about 35 is in December.It rains, but the only time that bothers anyone is when it blows sideways, parallel to the ground. It only get above 85 about three to five days a year always cooling off at night with a breeze coming from the Ocean. Yes we are the most northern part of Oregon, but we are south of much of the rest of the US, at least I like to think so. I have lived in Northern Montana, now that place is more in following with your description. The coldest I have been is 56 below Zero, in Missoula. One dresses for it. The coldest I have ever felt was 28 above standing in the wind and rain in Beaverton, By Portland, Oregon. Was not dressed for it. I do not like the heat or high humidity.

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