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Trying to fool the kids.

A couple with an eight year son who lives in an apartment tried to have some alone time and have a quickie.
They decided that the best way to keep their son occupied was to send him to the balcony with a Popsicle and tell him to report on the neighborhood activities.
So the son started his commentary as the parent started their sexual encounter

"There is a car being towed from the parking lot."

"An Ambulance just drove by."

"Looks like the Anderson's have company."

"Matt's riding a new bike."

"Looks like the Sanders are moving."

"Jason is on his skateboard."

After a few moments he announced "The Coopers are having sex."

Startled his mother jumped up when she heard that. His dad asked, "How do you know the Coopers are having sex."

His answer "Jimmy Cooper is on the balcony with a Popsicle."

noworry28 8 June 28

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Ha ha ha, very amusing !


LOL that's funny 🙂

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