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Do you buy bottled water? I have hot and cold running water at home, why do I need all that plastic?

myownmind 7 June 28

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I have two 40 oz hydroflasks, stainless steel insulated bottles. One is for work, one for home. I never buy plastic bottles of water if I can help it. Ice stays frozen for nearly 48 hours. I just keep refilling them. My office put in drinking fountains with a spigot for bottles. We can refill cold water to our heart's content. I have numerous other water bottles. No plastic bottles in my house.


If the water that came out of my taps didn't taste and smell like it came out of a public swimming pool I would totally drink it.

GwenC Level 7 June 28, 2018


Coldo Level 8 June 28, 2018

I do not, nor will I ever, buy bottled water unless that is the only water there is to drink to stay alive. If tap water is bad tasting, I buy the powder or squirt bottles of flavored water enhancers and that will make any water palatable for drinking. Works for me.


Absolutely not. I love sparkling water in a can. I hate plastic too and recycle. I know it isn't good either but who knows what comes out of the tap? Maybe this shot came out of the tap.

Most of the bottled/canned/etc water comes from municipal sources, so yeah, out of the tap.

@DonThiebaut I like the bubbles. I know it is trite but true.

@confidentrealm You can get a machine like this that can add carbonation to tap water for you. Not sure if it's better in the long run, but it's probably cheaper (if you get an off-brand machine, anyway!), so it's worth looking into if you want the fizz without the cans


yes you dont!

btroje Level 9 June 28, 2018
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