96 7

So after reading some comments on an FB post, I became very curious. I hope to keep this post relatively mature as it is of a personal nature. I have a few different questions/comments to present...

  1. As someone who plans to adopt and potentially have her own, something I never realized I may need to consider is if I'll have a son circumcised. What is your opinion and why? Please don't be too graphic, I am a LADY?. Parents, I'm most interested in hearing how you made your decisions with your own sons.

  2. Do you think that majority of those that have been circumcised was due to religious reasons or just the assumed norm?

  3. I hate when women push their beliefs on this topic, while also ask men to stay out of decision-making when it comes to women's reproductive rights. Have your opinion, sure. Please don't ever argue against a Male on this topic though. Agree? Disagree?

Kassandra 6 June 29

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96 comments (51 - 75)

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I would say if your are going to do that, do it when the child is born. I am, and basically thats all i know, i don't know the other side, and ive always been fine with it, and i don't beileve at all the procedure hurts anything, ive never had any problems down there. ,hope this was helpful


@GoldenDoll if you have something to add besides Not ,please say so lols


It doesn't matter if you're male or female. Opinions are a good thing. But educate yourself. Many posters mistakenly compare female genital mutilation with circumcision. In the US, your son's foreskin would be removed under sterile conditions. It does not diminish sensations during intercourse, it does not alter the function of the male sex organs or even the urinary system, as that is also the same region. Its a practice that likely developed for hygienic purposes because folds in skin are breeding grounds for bacteria and other skin breakdown and now many older/ancient cultures continue the practice. We're seeing circumcision put into practice routinely now in Africa for prevention. Performed properly it is a safe, medical procedure (totally unlike the conditions/reasons connected to female genital mutilation which is abuse that can lead to loss of sensation, loss of function, loss of life and is demoralizing). If you adopt an older child, there's no reason to have the procedure done unless he's prone to infection or you belong to a culture in which it is routinely performed. It is, after all surgery. If you adopt an infant and you are living in the US, chances of infection are probably greatly reduced. You would want to teach him to clean himself properly either way and I would consult your medical provider so they can weigh in on its efficacy.
I admire your decision to adopt.

It does damage the nerve endings it can lead to other problems whilst urinating. The myth about being be for hygiene is exactly that a myth . And last of all you have not got a penis I have I have first hand experience you are wrong !!!!

@Simon1 Excellent comment. There are so many commentators who think they are experts but who have, it seems, read lots but led very little lives.

@Simon1 this is such a moronic response. I don't think there's much to respond to.

@crazycurlz and there we have it straight to personal attacks as you so obviously are wrong !!!

@Simon1 when you say things like 'it does' what is your proof? Also, when your comment ends with 'you have not got a penis'...what in the hell do you call that? I take that as a personal attack. I'm not wrong. I know how to research.

And the evidence for your beliefs. You may as well argue the existance of god!

@Simon1 I rememeber researching this back in 1996 here in Australia. The only data that I could obtain at the time was that 2 in 6000 male circumcisions resulted in death - usually complications like uncontrollable bleeding, infections leading to death. Doctors in the UK sometime before 2000 I think helped produce a film which revealed not only the deformities arising (other than loss of foreskin) but the remarkable numbers. Needless to say in many cases the psychological damage was usually lifelong.
@curlylocks may claim nothing untoward happens, the last time that I looked about ten years ago mortality rates from hospitalisation in US hospitals had not decreased.

@Simon1, @crazycurlz I think that anyone who claims to know how the other gender person experiences physical stimulus is like the woman who knows how a man thinks by looking at his eyes. The eye tells nothing other than which ancestors genes prevailed to colour the iris and if jaundice or other illness is present.


I was. Not for religious reasons. I asked my dad about it once and he said it was a tradition in his family. I don't feel it has affected my life in any significant way but I wonder at the arrogance of taking a decision without consent that someone has to live with for the rest of their life. Effectively, it's genital mutilation. It also has a lot of negative repercussions in religion and politics. I wonder how many Jews died in the holocaust because they had been snipped and could be easily identified - or Muslims during Indian partition?
Your son can decide for himself when he reaches the age of reason.

Gareth Level 7 June 29, 2018

No, it is not mutilation. Lumping this in with female genital mutilation, an issue that really needs our energy and attention is just ignorance.

@crazycurlz Mutilation
Mutilation or maiming is cutting off or injury to a body part of a person so that the part of the body is permanently damaged, detached or disfigured. Wikipedia
You're the one who's lumping btw.

@crazycurlz Cognitive dissonance?

@crazycurlz Requires your Judeo/Xtian attention because of your hatred of Muslims and their faith?
In many countries female mutilation of the genitals is a criminal act. That equality did not prevail to result in the criminalisation of male circumcision is thanks to the lobbying of the Jews.


my first was and second wasn't.i didn't know better, the first time. There is no medical reason for doing it.

yes, historically, there likely was a medical reason for doing it and now some cultures do it ritualistically.

@crazycurlz Evidence did not exist then nor does it now.


We did not plan on circumcising our son but he had some issues that the urologist thought might be problematic. Most of the world doesn't circumcise. The thought used to be that it was cleaner but that's not really true. There is a slightly higher risk of contracting some STI's without circumcision, but good sex hygiene would eliminate that slightly higher risk. On the down side, men who are circumcised have less sensation that those with foreskin so it effects their sexual pleasure.

I recently read that in fact the foreskin produces product that prevents hiv/aids infection. And as you you say the majority of problems arising are due to lack of hygiene.
The other aspect that used to cause horrendous problem was the garrotting of the penis through infection by candidiasis (thrush) causing the skin to lose its elasticity and start to shrink around the head in a tight band. Nowadays the one shot tablet gets rid of it in the blood and quickly returns everything to normal. Occassionally 2 are needed.


I'm not circumcised, and my parents made that decision to hide the fact that i was Jewish, a very common act for Holocaust survivors.

As for whether a parent should or shouldn't there are good reasons on both sides of the debate.

But cleanliness may be the deciding factor, because that is a critical issue for an uncircumcised male.

If you don't think you can teach your son to keep his penis super-clean for the rest of his life, you better have him circumcised. As has already been mentioned, if you leave your child uncircumcised, you better convince him that if he doesn't keep himself clean, he consequences could be tragic, just sexually or even mortally. Start early and do it a lot. Men can also get yeast infections, by the way.

My mother made sure that the lesson was repeated daily, just like brushing after every meal. That attitude was reinforced as a teen in my biology class with photos; those of infections certainly governed my obsession with cleanliness for the rest of my life.

So whatever you decide, make sure it is in the best interests of your little boy, because he will have to live with your decision for the rest of his life, like everything else you do to or for him. []


Here's what I find insulting. Comparing this to female genital mutilation shows a real lack of understanding of both: both intent and how it alters the physiology and anatomy. And, on a personal note, I made the decision to have my son circumcised and it's insulting to me that you all dare to call me abusive because of my decision, that's essentially the accusation here. I am happy with my decison and what's more, my son lives a healthy life (and is soon to be married to a wonderful young lady). The procedure was completed at the hospital by a medical team with anesthesia and not by a mohel 'licking his penis' (reading through the mythology here is both entertaining and appalling). Your level of ignorance (again, lack of knowledge) goes further: it is not just Jewish people that practice circumcision of the foreskin but Muslims, too and the practice goes far beyond both of these groups (you all know there are many more religions in the world than just 3, correct? Feel I have to start with the basics with this group...).
As I said in my original post: it's a personal choice and I wouldn't recommend it for older men. It very likely began for real medical reasons (any medical person that's worked with infection r/t folds can understand this) and in some regions of the world is still medically warranted, the site I posted, the Professor Emeritus feels strongly that it is medically viable and should be routine procedure and now is most often related to traditions.
I would guess that most of you, except BagelPants come from Christian traditions without circumcision. It's an easy leap to discount all things foreign. It's an easy leap to give circumcision the evil attributes that you all do. I'd feel ashamed to express misconceptions so freely expressed here without looking internally and considering my motivation. The reason Christian countries gave up covering the cost is because it's not part of their traditions and not considered medically necessary (but, again, as my 'google' dr pointed out, with sound evidence-based research to back him up, medically prudent). There's nothing more villainous than that: it is not considered child abuse.
This has been lovely. On occasion, I enjoy a good, heated debate. Thank you all for exposing the ugly misconceptions you have (and cling to) related to circumcision.
I look forward to being part of your discussion related to female genital mutilation. Do any of you care to talk about a real, known, well-documented type of abuse that is generally done by family members, without anesthesia and with the intent of mutilating body parts? Or do you prefer to stick with topics that only require conjecture and opinion?

Arrogant & ignorant. A winning combination...

"Here's what I find insulting. Comparing this to female genital mutilation "
Well @crazycurlz, I find it insulting that you don't understand that cutting off part of a babies body is mutilation. In fact I find it quite disturbing.

Of course I am one of those wackos that thinks cutting off the tails of animals and chopping off part of their ears to make them more aesthetically pleasing to humans is also barbaric.

But you are welcome to search google for all the confirmation you want and since that is all you are looking for I am sure you will find plenty of it.

But make no mistake, cutting off part of a babies penis is mutilation and in the United States as in most places in the world there is 100% zero need for it and I can't think of a place on earth that there is a need for it as our species did without it just fine until the old testament god came along.

The timing and intent may be different than fgm, but it’s still chopping off body parts, without consent.


Not being a man, I asked my husband, and son's father, what he would do. As he had seen a urologist previously and they had a decent rapport, he called the doc and asked him if there was a medical reason for or against. The doctor said no, not unless there was a family history of issues in that area (no pun intended). He did mention the common argument of "looking like Daddy" and that there are some religious reasons. Of course, he added that if there are problems when he gets older, it would be much more unpleasant to have to do it at that point. (spoken from the point of a Dr) Not knowing many men who were uncircumcised 35 years ago, my husband decided to to have the procedure done.

The things is.. it would not be more unpleasant as an adult.. an adult would just be able to tell you how unpleasant it was with more gusto and panache.

@KC_TheOne giving birth is unpleasant as well. As is any surgery. I think they’d survive.


I'm glad I was and have heard guys wish that they had been.

But not wish so much that they would actually have it done?

@Gareth Good question. I had a vasectomy, and hated it. It was painful and weird because I was awake and could watch. Felt the tugging and snipping. It was kind of horrifying. I can feel the lumps and it occasionally causes me pain to this day. If I wasn’t circumcised when I was a baby I definitely would not do it now. Not that it would be painful necessarily, as they claim it isn’t, but just thinking about it now doesn’t work for me. That’s why I am glad I had it done and probably the same reason one might wish they had it done early on.

I’m sure there are lots of disfigured people for instance, that would like to look differently, but choose not to go under the knife just for psychological fear alone, but not necessarily that it will be painful. So when it’s just a matter of cosmetics, you have to weigh out the pros and cons. Money may also be an issue.

@Gareth Yeah, I believe our health care covered circumcision here in Canada before, but now treats as a cosmetic surgery that you have to pay for yourself.

@nastynifty I am uncircumcised and I had a vasectomy. The latter was decidedly NOT painful. Perhaps your doctor wasn't up to much.
Most of Europe, except for areas with Jewish or Muslim communities, does not go in for circumcision. Perhaps a decent study should compare Europeans against Americans in this regard.

@Petter Apparently Canada doesn’t circumcise for free anymore and if you want it done it is around $300 Canadian dollars. I’m absolutely aware that a vasectomy isn’t supposed to hurt, but mine did and I know another person who went through a similar experience as me. To be fair, apparently my surgeon was known to be a bit of a butcher and was actually fired due to his record, but that means it isn’t always painless regardless of what they say..perhaps a good reason to get it done at birth if it’s to be done at all.


Here is what I would recommend. Since this is a health issue, yourself how it is handled in Western Europe? They live longer, happier lives and spend half of what we do on health care costs. (Answer: they don't promote it).


Otherwise, "it's got no character. No personality.". (stolen from Seinfeld).

Lol thanks


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends male circumcision for health reasons. We decided not to circumcise our son as an infant and had to do so at a later age for health reasons. If I had it to do again I would circumcise a male infant.


There have been several posts on this. The statistics show that America has an extremely high male circumcision rate, totally unrelated to medical necessity. It is overwhelmingly cultural/religious or both. Don't do it.

  1. Nature hasn't done such a bad job with our species and it appears that we are the most advanced on this planet. However evolved we believer ourselves to be, I don't believe we are going to outdo Nature at her own game on any level. When we try, it almost always ends unsuccessfully.

By any name, permanent modification of genitalia for any reason is mutilation. A parent's duty is to protect and foster a child's healthy development. Religion or any other sets of ignorant, superstitious notions do not trump what Nature has ordained without consequences. Genital mutilation in all forms is barbaric, anti-life and anti-Nature.

  1. Circumcision is an assumed norm alright; just as female genital mutilation is in some parts of the world. The roots are religious; as are all too many social practices thought to be 'custom' or secular. Both practices, along with so many other archaic and contemporary ways children are afflicted, are crimes against humanity.

  2. 'Women's reproductive rights' is a narrow, misleading term substituted for political reasons. All people have (theoretically under our system) bodily sovereignty. Being personal sovereigns includes but is not limited to 'reproductive rights'; as though women are privileged in the matter. The labels 'pro-choice' and 'pro-life' are disingenuous and merely politically motivated dodges from the real issue directly related to power. As in the case of bodily sovereignty, the scope has been limited for political reasons.

Pro this or that is a dodge. The broader, comprehensive issue is this. Who shall have the POWER to determine/define all conditions under which homicide is legally acceptable as remedial choice? The rest is window dressing.

homicide is something that happens to humans. human tissue and non viable cells are not Human(note the capitalization) dispite being human tissue.

False equivalency. Also, Bodily autonomy is so inviolable as to forbid the harvesting of organs to save lives without consent, because another life does not have more value then your ability to own your own self.

You have failed sir.

@dellik nice response, deilik.

'nature hasn't done such a bad job with our species...' man, silver, what a statement. Politics aside for the moment, I assume you're referring to anatomy and physiology? I have a lot of respect for Mother Nature but, our systems are not perfection. For instance, I don't have a single female friend that's had an easy time of every stage/transitioning with the womens reproductive system.
To place circumcision in the same category as female genital mutilation is a sign of ignorance. Female genital mutilation is generally the removal or mutilation of female genitalia to punish or prevent the woman from having sex or from enjoying it. Female genital mutilation is just that, may be committed by male or female family members and typically not completed surgically but rather out of acts of violence. Circumcision is ritualistic removal of the foreskin of the penis, generally done by someone who's trained. Loss of the foreskin doesn't diminish feeling or manhood in the cultures that do this. In addition, do you have any idea about excess fold on the body? I'm a nurse. The things that develop in folds can be pretty awesome...little creatures that live off the flesh. I don't know the history of circumcision but I'd imagine when the Egyptians and then the Jews and then some Arab groups began the practice, there were health reasons associated with it.

@dellik All I have 'failed' to do is communicate with you. Given the barriers evident by your response, I will continue to fail.

After you familiarize with a dictionary, learn basic biology and human physiology and acquire the ability to think functionally we have no 'common ground' upon which to compare perspectives.

@crazycurlz O.K. Meshg, As usual, the erroneous notions are flying like confetti and one can hardly answer all of them. As suggested to dellik, I urge you to try developing the ability to think functionally. It begins with 'seeing' functionally and given the mechanistic way 'knowledge' is presented the task is difficult. Most of what I comment is functionally rooted. Focus on and naming of means and mechanism do not refute function but merely distract from it.

I like the qualification you made of 'anatomy and physiology' because that is exactly what I meant. Our 'systems' (bodily) are systems within a hierarchy of systems; many of which are human (read male) contrived, designed and imposed. As products of systems that are secondary and in varying degrees pathogenic, that we don't function well on many physical, emotional and psychological levels should not be surprising.

Your attempts to 'educate' me about mechanistically differing means and names for the same functional phenomena were unnecessary. I fully understood what you presented and more, before the exercise. It doesn't change function in any other way than degrees.

It matters not why, to what degree of barbarity, what kind of religious notions contribute to it, who performs it; be they Ancient Egyptians or ancient anybodies; be they contemporary mohel's infecting infants with genital herpes; be they physicians in sterile hospital environments or ignorant Islamic extremists in squalid huts with sharpened spoons. Mutilation of the genitalia of children for religious or any other crazy notion is still genital mutilation.

I especially enjoyed the observation: "Loss of the foreskin doesn't diminish feeling or manhood in the cultures that do this." The humor I see in it (functionally) relates to the humor women find in males pontificating on how this or that practice in our 'culture' doesn't diminish femininity. 😉 That you are a nurse gives you no superior platform from which to propagate notions about things of questionable or arguable validity. I'm no stranger to science or life sciences and don't feel the need to air 'credentials'. They have little to do with whether something is so. But actual knowledge does. My daughter has been a nurse for 27 years and we have many stimulating discussions and without mutuality of knowledge they wouldn't even happen.

What I find to be 'pretty awesome' is presumptuousness. It brings to mind a favorite Neitche -ism...

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Music IS functionality. Instruments are mechanism.

@Silver1wun you are right, there is no common ground when you chose to accept fundamentally wrong information, and portray it as fact. Your failure to grasp basic biology and then blame shift is laughable at best, and should be humiliating, but I doubt you are self aware enough for that to be possible.

@dellik In basic biology one learms that there are differences between cells, "tissue", organs, systems and organisms.

Check any cell you like in an internally or extermally gestating infant, or for that matter, from a dying 90 year-old and the dna will confirm the source to have been an organism; in this case a human organism.

@Silver1wun thanks for proving my point, appreciate it =D

@crazycurlz your attempt to somehow make out that female circumcision is a "worse crime" than male circumcision is derisable. Have you got a foreskin? Have you experienced the degree of pleasure obtained with a sensitive foreskin compared to circumcised?
No. Nor do I see validation of such claim from authoritive sources.
Neither can I ever know and compare pre and post female circumcision pleasures. I know however that the sensitivity of the vagina, the G spot and the pelvic floor muscles are not affected.
You mention things breeding in body parts covered by flaps of skin. Yes there are wonderous things growing between the chest skin and underskin of women with oversized pendulous breasts. I don't hear you advocating that mastectomies be carried out on infant girls to ensure that this can never happen. The interesting reality is what is actually produced under the man's foreskin and what it is produced for. I can assure that in nearly 70 years of life the only problem that I have encountered has been recently and that was due to the medical profession and side effect of a drug prescribed by them that was claimed necessary.
As for health issues in ancient Arab and Jewish days I'm sure that lack of water and cleanliness allied to sexual satisfaction being safely derived from little boy's anuses probably did result in horrendous infection in the women also entered.

@dellik When you contribute something worthwhile please draw my attention to it. In the meantime please explain how someone who considers bullying abhorrent and "no tolerance for bullies" can say one word in defense of what is the greatest betrayal and act of bullying perpetrated on a man through being circumcised when most in need of protection?

@FrayedBear 1; I'll give you a dollar if you can show me anywhere I said anything in support of circumcision.
and 2; What on earth makes you think I give half a shit if you think my statements are 'worthwhile'

The bully here, is clearly the ancient inbreed that thinks his feelings are more important then bodily autonomy.

@FrayedBear and dear god, after reading your response to Crazycurls I see you are actually just a piece of shit racist, so I honestly don't give a single flying fuck what you think. Please wander off into the woods and die you fucking dinosaur.

@dellik you obviously understand english differently to me. I see that you are a god botherer inciting the word in your response. How do you draw this wonderfully "grasp at the last straw" ad hominem to prove your correctness?
I suspect that your response will keep me laughing for most of the day. Incidentally can you supply a photo or drawing of your "flying fuck" I'm sure that it will also create amusement.
Have you had counselling for your inherent and deep seated anger or ever considered that anger usually arises through your lack of understanding and knowledge?

@FrayedBear My experience is that anger management is not necessary when expectations and beliefs are managed. When people have a healthy, productive sexual aspect going on in their lives it is made most obvious by a state of repose, good cheer and congeniality. When it is in chaos, the opposite is the case. They are irritable, frustrated and lash-out at things that make them mildly uncomfortable. I saw it in nuns, as a child growing up under their 'care'... Women in our society are confronted with male over-reaching expectations and anger displayed when they are frustrated all the time.

A disposition towards being rude and abusive is also prevalent among males in sexually repressive cultures ruled by extremes of Islam, Christendom, Judaism, Hinduism and more. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why a person allegedly seeking friendship or closeness with females would display such a deeply rooted abusive attitude; especially in matters that relate to sexuality.

Most women, especially associated with this site, have 'been there and done that', unfortunately. If one has beliefs based on real understanding and expectations in close contact with reality, anger is a rare emotion.

One of my favorite observations of Dr. Reich, from clinical work:

"Irrationality and illusion are revealed by the intolerance and cruelty with which they are expressed. We observe that human thought systems show more tolerance as long as they adhere to reality. The more the thought process is removed from reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are needed to guarantee its continued existence." (1949)

I'd add to that something about immaturity if it wasn't so eloquently on display in the first place.

@FrayedBear Im sorry, you keep typing, but all I hear is 'im an ignorant inbreed'
Try again gramps. or dont, only one that cares what you have to say, is you.

@dellik Try having your eyes tested as you are reading not hearing or see a psychiatrist about your problem of mistaking sight for hearing. Perhaps like the man who thought that his wife was a hat you need a book title named after you. Sadly Dr Sacks is now dead. You are providing wonderful entertainment. Keep going young fellow. ?????


My first husband was uncircumcised. After marriage he did not even bathe as often as I would like. I had frequent yeast infections. My second husband was not circumcised. We were married for 38 years and I never had a yeast infection. He bathed often and kept himself clean. I had my son circumcised because I was told it was easier for a circumcised person to be clean. We talk frankly and he does not resent me for it.

Interesting first hand testimony! Thanks!


My atheist ex and myself had our son circumcised at birth. My ex had it done when he was 13 for cosmetic reasons so he wanted our son to not have to go through it later on in life. It just looks better and it's apparently cleaner.


I was circumcised as a kid and I’ve had my kids circumcised. To me it seemed the norm and I thought it was supposed to be healthier/cleaner(?). As for it affecting sex life. I obviously wouldn’t know I’ve only ever had sex as a circumcised man and I still seem to enjoy it. If it’s a lot better with the skin then damn, you guys are lucky!

antman Level 7 July 11, 2018

Seriously, what is the difference between this and female genital mutilation?

Hihi Level 6 June 29, 2018

From what I understand a man will lose some feeling whilst a woman will lose all feeling .

huge difference.

@Hihi. It’s same as male vs rape it’s not the same thing. /s

As a woman, you would be unable to have an orgasm. With a man, removing foreskin does not remove the ability to have an orgasm. The sexual 'release' for men and women being so different is the reason for the terms to be different, i believe. I'm not a doctor, though.

there's so much ignorance in the comparison, I don't even know where to start. you do a real disservice to victims of femal genital mutilation in not recognizing the horror they go through: 1. it's not a procedure, there is no process to it, nothing to prevent infection or loss of life 2. generally it's considered an act of violence: a woman is suspected of or has perpetrated a cultural sex crime 3. it both mutilates and removes sensation and organs vital for function and enjoyment. my god, if you're going to make this kind of leap...know what your discussing.

@crazycurlz Some people might say that calling my son autistic would be doing a disservice to severely autistic people. There is a HUGE difference between him and someone who rocks back and forth completely dissociated with the world. But he is still autistic.

There is a history of doing this to boys with no anesthesia. Cutting is cutting.

@Hihi hmmm... autism is a spectrum. Not sure how that relates to this discussion.

@Simon1 not totally true Simon. She still has her G spot and pelvic floor muscles to say nothing of the skin between vagina entrance and anus together with her anus. I have trained women to have orgasm simply from having their nose licked. I have never attempted it with someone who has never experienced orgasm or suffers from the trauma of rape or female genital mutilation.


I had it done at 5 or 6 due to infections in that area. If the father has it, the son should have it so they “look” the same.

I can't believe you said that. And twice. It's still ridiculous.

@GoldenDoll hahaha


I thought about getting myself circumcised but then reseached about this issue on google and then came to know it is best kept as it is. As getting circumcision decreases feeling during sex, something I would not (or any other male) want at all.

I'm not so sure. I've never felt short-changed on enjoyment of sex, and in fact, if I'd found it even more pleasurable I'm not sure that it would have been more satisfying for my partner.

@Gareth ignorance is bliss ... Or cognitive dissonance?


Well, I have daughters.. didn't have to worry about that at all ?


@GoldenDoll ??

Did you get her ears pierced as a baby?

@Kassandra why?

@IamNobody why not? Is that a private matter? If you're not interested in having a discussion, that's fine. I just ask that you don't waste my time by commenting as this isn't FB and I am actually interested in the majority of the 93 comments on this post. TIA

@Kassandra the topic of discussion is circumcision. What does my daughters ears got to do with it? Anyhow, I can tell you this much.... At least what I remember when I used to change their dipers...none of them had a penis.

@IamNobody Did you never consider having their budding breasts cut off to ensure that they didn't get breast cancer?

@FrayedBear now that's really cute... Please allow me to make your day, I am laughing so hard that my belly aches !!!

@IamNobody I hope that your daughters never have breast cancer and so you will not have to rue the day.

@FrayedBear your logic is not very sound and that's not my problem. How do you digress from circumcision to ear piercing to mutilation of baby girls nipples to breast cancer and try to ping it all on me??? Sorry dude, try to find another victim somewhere else....

@IamNobody neither is any argument advocating circumcision - male or female.

@FrayedBear keep on going, I am done with you


I feel circumcision is a personal choice but personally see it as mutalation unless medically necessarily.


As a mom giving birth to sons in the 1970s, it was just expected that baby boys would be circumcised. I signed the consent while still medicated. I now wish I had thought more about it, but don't know if that would have changed my decision. This is a question that could be answered more accurately by men, I think.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 2, 2018

Maybe the worst topic ever

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