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I don’t like videos. I’m much more likely to read a long written post than I am to click on a video. Videos don’t capture my attention. Maybe this is one reason I am a professor. Reading suits me. What’s your preference?

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PhitDoctor50 7 June 29

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I don't think I'd enjoy just reading the lyrics of a good song, or having someone trying to explain the full context of certain news items. I will read news items, but there's always the writer's bias to consider. I like both, vids and a well-written post.


Anything and everything that gets the data in my brain as fast as possible. I'm an information whore...short skirt, high heals, red lips....I'm all about information.


Reading allows me to take in the information better versus audio. Videos can be informative based on the subject, but if it's a long dialogue I prefer text any day.


Text is far more informative. Not only are you not distracted by the speakers accent or appearance, it is easier to re-read a sentence and consider it than the messing about involved in replaying the section you want to review. I have found that when doing that I have lost the point that I wanted to revisit. Text any day followed by discussions in audio


Depends on content. I prefer to read the news rather than watch a video. On the other hand, there is entertaining video content out there that wouldn't work on a written page.


Reading. If it's a video I back out of it. I keep the sound off on my computer unless I want it on.


I’m addicted to Ted Talk videos.


I agree with you. I would rather read than watch a video. In some cases I read faster than they talk.


Being an academic myself has destroyed my ability to read books for pleasure. I skim, scan, and use other reading techniques out of training. Worst of all I read the first and final chapters. Ugh!

Livia Level 6 June 29, 2018

Certain subjects require media that best delivers the message..written posts allows one to digest and read then reread the article if necessary.

Just like you may prefer to read every section of a Sunday Newspaper.. or watch a CNN (never Fox) news bulletin.

However sometimes video media can better capture the wow factor of an event, that even the best journalist, with impeccable descriptive powers of conveying imagery, could struggle with.

This in some ways, is reminiscent of the question of whether a book is still better or preferred over it's electronic etc

Each to his or her own.


I like music and that is something that cannot be communicated adequately with text. However I also like discussion, so both ways work for me.

Kimba Level 7 June 29, 2018

I have viewed very interesting videos here .


I hate when I click on an article on a news site and an ad comes on full blast volume. So I stop the video and just read the text anyway.


Both, i don't think being a professor has anything to do with your choice.I know many Professors that like Cinema,DVD.

Coldo Level 8 June 29, 2018

I have ADD (self diagnosis) and it is difficult for me to concentrate long enough to benefit from either. I do the best I can with both.


I prefer reading too. I can't bear noise. I like peace and quiet. I have no television even.

What are you a professor of?


I just looked. I'm impressed. 🙂

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