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Stereotype against Engineers? I was watching this TED Talk video about online dating and the lecturer said “There are jobs that don’t garner a lot of ladies attention and they are Engineers, Scientists and HR”. Ok now, HR, I can understand because they are the Hall Monitor Fun Police Firing Squad (hehe, sorry about that) but Engineers and Scientists? I’m an engineer and I feel it’s a very respectable career requiring knowledge in math, science and technology in problem solving. What is wrong with that? I’d really like to hear from the women's perspective. ?

jujuofthesea 7 June 30

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No problem here. I like an intelligent man.


I think that is an old sterotype. Engineers are smart and often times a lot of fun. I like dating engineers.

Alright, there's hope for us.


Probably the only man that reads directions before assembling stuff,, lol

Personality is what makes for dates

Good luck


There is no way I could even think of dating anyone who did not have at least a modicum of intelligence. I dated a chemical engineer and a nuclear engineer in college...they were book smart but indeed lacked social skills such as carrying on a conversation without glazing over the eyes of many people. I found that trait to be endearing, but I can see how it can be off putting as well. I think women in the science and math fields also face some of the same things. Just have to find your people...

Thank you for your input. It's good to know social skills are important in the eyes of a woman. At least I have that aspect handled, I think.

@jujuofthesea I truly thought that stereotype was dying out, but as you posted, it still prevails. I think more people now are well-rounded in all aspects of life skills that should work to put this stereotype to rest! Hope you find your counterpart!


One of the biggest hindrances would be that at least 75% of male dating scammers claim they're an engineer of some sort.


As a math & science geek, I actively look for men who fall into the same category; engineers & scientists are high up on my "favorites" list... however, I'm still going to be looking for someone with other compatibilities, including someone who smiles a lot/seems to have fun with life and has similar other interests without being a smoker, drug user, angry person, or trump-er... finding anyone who fits all my "requirements" is hard enough; trying to find one who fits and is a fellow math/science geek is harder... finding one who fits ALL of that, AND is in my geographically desired area has proven all but impossible.

Good for you, evaluating the whole package instead of individual parameter ... wait, did I just say "parameter"? Maybe that's the problem right there - geek speak 🙂


I think all women can appreciate and intelligent man. I think some women may also find it intimidating because she may feel she is not smart enough for you or you may become condescending towards her because of your job.

Hm, I never thought of that angle. Thank you for that interesting perspective.


I work for an aircraft manufacturer and there are lots of engineers who I come in to contact with. Many are fine individuals who I would enjoy a beer with after work, however, there are engineers who I have witnessed arguing with production control about shipping material and equipment as well as mail... MAIL! What do we have shipping and receiving sections for? Or a mail room for? But the poor PC union worker couldn't possibly be right, because "I'm an engineer gosh dang it". I think those people are giving you a bad rap. And yes male and female have that attitude. But thats just my experience.

I think that has to do with the individual and their level of kindness, not a particular trait for engineers across the board. Thank you for your inputs.


Smart is the new sexy. I have always preferred smart men, and science, engineering, and IT abound with them. People who won’t date “nerds” just leave more field for me.

PenLOP Level 7 June 30, 2018

Alright, I'm glad to hear that.


I'm not a woman, but perhaps this is coming from the traditional "nerd" stereotype where smart guys don't get girls. This is, of course, not true, though it may stem from an assumed focus on studying and learning as opposed to developing social skills.

I get that, but are all engineers as a collection that bad socially?


I'd date an unemployed man if they were handsome, athletic, intelligent, romantic, honest and kind.

People's occupations mean little to me.



This is the video I'm talking about. The career part is at time mark 3:33 if you want to skip ahead.

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