Agnostics are the bisexuals of the philosophical community. Never commit to where you can't get out quick. Always leave a loophole just in case. Which pretty much just makes you a Christian with their series of Perpetual belief and backsliding. Ladies have some balls lol let's be real. There is no God there is no other side to consider as they keep themselves in the perpetually persecuted category somehow or another when in reality they control every goddamn thing and you know what I've never seen a commercial for Satanism asking for money and I've never seen a satanic evangelist busted for robbing his own church blind. As a matter of fact the FBI has no documented cases of actual satanic abuse. As in it was just idiots in stupid costumes every time. Like the church itself therefore I equate Satanism to Christianity and Christianity of course to religion
and I don't care how many times you dip it in hippie juice so-called New Age religions are merely a stepping stone or a placebo.
. We have got to start putting our foot down. We have a hundred thousand years of loosely recorded history with nothing more to show for it then a shiny thing in our hands that we can play games on. But when it comes to actually if balding as. But when it comes to actually evolving as living organisms we will never do so with the permanent crutch of religion installed in our brains. It is like a good computer trying to operate with a bad virus in the ROM.
Wait a cotton-tailed minute. Agnostics are the SCIENTISTS of the philosophical community. If you don't know something, you SAY you don't know. Don't rely on someone who made something up 6000 years ago. "Agnostic" breaks down from the Greek as "no knowledge". It doesn't mean "Xian by any other name."
May I respectfully suggest taking some time to organize your thoughts, gather some information, and maybe trying to make your point again, in a different way?
Your post touches on a lot of different subjects in a way that makes your logic hard to follow. I think you also impute a lot of thoughts and attitudes to the labels "agnostic" and "bisexual" that most actual agnostics and actual bisexuals would resist. I can understand that some folks here might actually have taken offense, and please recognize that they're saying so in muted, polite ways.
We're here together in this community to learn from each other and support one another. So please take my comments as constructive criticism: while I suspect linking agnosticism and bisexuality is an intellectual stretch that reaches too far, maybe you've got an idea or an argument that could be fleshed out and add value (whether you meet with agreement or disagreement). I encourage you to try again.
There is no God never has been they've had 200,000 years which they have perfected The Art of War and allowed entire civilizations to starve their time is up and pardon me if I'm not polite enough when I remind them of the obvious fact that there is no fucking God. And agnostic is a half-assed way of saying well I don't want to know you want to come it in case it turns out there is a God. F that there is no God. What an odd place as an atheist dating site to have to emphatically say that over and over. One does not learn there is no God. One is simply smart enough to see it or not. For it is perhaps the most obvious thing among what we call knowledge
This point of view sounds like the negative of a photo with a desire for a black and white world. The opposite of belief in god is an absolute non belief which the only true fact is belief. There is no proof on any side to substantiate it. Funny how after a hundred thousand years the concept hasn't changed, it's just been redressed.
That is absurd by every ascertainable form of proof there is absolutely no proof of God. I can say hey God put a cookie in my hand and there's no fucking cookie in my hand. But how about the 21,000 babies that starve this morning. The fact that nothing happens says not only that there is no God but that we are barely evolved. When you look at the forms of technology that we have they are predominantly just the increased speed of writing at the sacrifice of genuine knowledge. There is an irony in the fact that at a time when everyone possesses in their hand proof that there is no God there still are people who say, well I don't know. You do know you are just scared to go against your upbringing your parents your auntie that time you saw something you couldn't explain got.. Just because you can't explain something doesn't make it Supernatural there is no Supernatural there is no God. And anything that we ever find that resembles either of those things will be completely scientifically explainable. OMG who the hell is on this site of Bible class 2 year olds?
Since God has never been properly defined and always comes down to a "it is beyond our understanding" answer as to what defines God
How exactly do you prove it is not so, when what it is is not defined?
Your conflating conceptual notions with practical reality.
You can imagine inter-galactic Space cruisers like in Star Wars or Star Trek, right?
Can you disprove their existence in practical reality?
Nope, all we can do is say we have never seen any evidence of any such thing in practical, empirical reality. We cannot rule out their existence elsewhere (we have not been there to see) or their invention.
Nor would you de-facto believe in such things in practical, empirical reality.
Nor do you feel any impetus to disprove them.
Because it is socially normative for them to be an idea which is not real (but might be, or could be)
Thusly we can fail to believe due to lack of evidence (even as we do to Star Cruisers), but have no practical, empirical way to disprove the notion of God, as undefinable as it is.
Nor any impetus to do so, I am not claiming there is some God as I cannot show any such God. The claim lies with the claimant, and the responsibility to prove said claim stays with them. It is their failure to prove such claims which drives us not to believe.
THIS "Agnostics are the bisexuals of the philosophical community." would be offensive to most of the LGBTQ community I have met, it is derogatory and connotes an opinion that bi-sexuality, or bi-sexuals are somehow Gays afraid to admit they are Gay.
This paints you as either ignorant of this, or prejudiced against LGBTQ peoples.
I like your P.S. statement.
All you had to say was I reserve the right to believe in bullshit if I want to. Which I firmly believe in but that doesn't make the concept of God any less bullshit
@Anarchy23 Lol
Not particularly effective to confront believers with the notion the idea itself is BS.
Making them ask themselves why they actually believe that (SE) grants an opportunity for them to realize they are spattered with that BS.
It sounds like you're confusing being bisexual with being indecisive. There's people that like like chocolate and hate vanilla, others that like vanilla and not chocolate, and still others that like both.
You're not going to win as many people to your point of view if you make them defensive by being ignorantly offensive about their (or their friends' sexuality
That vanilla ice cream cones is some of the oldest gay code in existence. Now you're going to try and tell me that there's no such thing as gay code. When anyone with experience and exposure to ironically the straight community predominantly and it's more closeted aspects is well aware of the existence of gay code and trust me my brother I have done my gay time in the gay trenches. Just because I post affect you personally doesn't make it untrue. There are either those that are willing to have sex with people of the same sex or they are not. That is an on-off scenario. Every other candy w r a p p e r you want to throw on it is really semantics. As far as finding somebody please I'm still looking for an atheist LOL
You're seem to be mixing agnosticism and new age woo.
A positive assertion, even a negation, requires proof.