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Happy independence day our colonial cousins. Dont know how you made it this far without us

273kelvin 8 July 4

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Made it where???? Is it any surprise I grew up loving everything British? The thing that confuses me is that I know several Manchurians that love this ridiculous place.

Have you ever been to Manchester? 😉

I have been invited, harrassed, and nagged at to visit, but life has done it's best to keep me from visiting.

@Holysocks I was only joking. my daughter lives there and its a nice place. its just not Liverpool and it knows it lol


I'm sorry we are alienating our cousins. I think we are flatlining at the moment. We are not the country l thought we were, and not close to being the country l thought we could be.


Make America Great Britain Again!


Well thanks, cuz! Not sure how much further we're going to make it, seems a great bit of the country has our heads up our arses these days.


After the two world wars and a Cold War, I think we can say the same about our British cousins. We are each better off for our joint cooperation. I apologize for the arrogant stupidity of our current administration.


Thank you, and a good day to you, too.


Normally I would say very carefully and without error... But lately...


Thanks. It's no Guy Fawkes night, but hey. ?

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