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Climate Change and Power: []

Krish55 8 July 6

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Not a fan of the article; there's no concrete solution provided. My whole bit in environmental advocacy, starting in 1997 with an article "My Own Private Kyoto" is that climate change and exterior-environment lung disease can both be handled IF AND ONLY IF THEY ARE HANDLED TOGETHER and INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET A CUT OF COST SAVINGS IF THEY REDUCE THEIR OWN EMISSIONS. Thirty million Americans (1) commute alone in a car to work, (2) live and/or work in an EPA warning or danger zone, and (3) are within a short bicycle-friendly (or E-bike or electric scooter-friendly) distance to work. If half of those folks switched a commute to anything BUT a solo car ride, half of the societal savings would be $10,000 over ten years PLUS a $40,000 10-year saving from reducing automobile use. Have you ever heard anyone in global warming say that individual people could benefit from individually reducing carbon and ozone, particulates, and nitrogen oxides?

The solution is implicit. Take away power from those who create CC. Control capitalism!


Amazing how Climate Change hurts the poor and downtrodden first.

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