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I am beginning to enjoy this app more and more each day. Now that I am learning more about it. It really is nice to talk to like mined folks and what impresses me is how much more we have in common than our belief in the lack of a God. Our political views and world views seem to be very similar as well. Makes me feel less alone in the world!

Daphne 4 July 8

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Glad you find this site enjoyable.

I would change "our belief in the lack of a God" to "the lack of belief in a God" There is a difference. Your phrasing places the burden of proof on the person that believes there is a lack of a god. The better position it to lack a believe in a god. There is a difference.

Indeed there is. Thnx. Always looking for better ways to phrase my thoughts.

@Daphne You are good but there are some religious apologists that would jump on your phrasing and attempt to drag you into their muddied (lack of) logic arguments.


The topics forums on here run the gamut, from sexual and relationships to political and government, to philosophy and mental heath. You can find a discussion on most anything that interests you. I have found an abundance of non-believers seem to be of artistic backgrounds, painters, poets, writers, photographers and other art forms. I find this interesting, given that from historical perspective, many artists seem to have been deeply devout, at least in the subjects of their creations, paintings or music. I am also thrilled to find so many people from other countries have found their way to these forums. Having grown up in Europe, I enjoy hearing the voices of the world expressed, since many of those countries have shed much of their religious cloak, or are making greater strides than we are. (Looking at you Ireland!)


I agree. I singed up a month ago and didn't do much with it. I saw a link in my email today to confirm this account and clicked. I am so glad that I did. So far I have been on the sight over 4 hours today. I find it interesting how many agnostics/athiests are liberal leaning in their views. Gives me hope for humankind.


I know what you mean. Me too. 😀


I feel the same way. I am so very happy that I found this place as well.


That is also why I love this site! Welcome!!!

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