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So, a new Supreme Court justice is in the making. The Far Right hope it will be a good "Christian" man who is a frothing at the mouth pro life guy.
Thing is, there, in the US Constitution it clearly states that there isn't a "Religious Test" to hold office.
And they think if one is put on there....then they can overturn Roe v Wade.
Sorry....not that simple. their little minds it is...
Rather telling....

ssgchester 4 July 10

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PussyGRABBER in chief has nominated a Karl Rove clone from the illegal Bush Crime Family theft of White House. ....I hope Senator Collins has 2 more sane Rethuglican colleagues to deny a theocratic CONSENT to life term on US Sup Ct


This will test the GOP's resolve to support 45. There has been signs of resistance in the past. (Do I hear the beginning of a schism? I think something major will happen within the ranks of the GOP but I don't know how it will present itself yet... obviously I could be wrong, we'll see)

Lukian Level 8 July 10, 2018

I remember sitting and thinking about the future of the GOP in 1999. I thought the GOP would "fracture" maybe around 2012, or at the latest 2018.
Then came the Tea Party......
But I knew back in 1999 that religious groups and or their leader do turn on each other. Look at Jimmy Baker and Jerry Falwell back in the 80's.
They all have "God" on "their" side and they believe or act like they believe they know what "God" wants.
Or that "their"version of religion is the only "correct" one.
So, I think you'll see more internal turmoil in the GOP.
I think this nomination will also have an impact on that.


They will try

Marine Level 8 July 10, 2018

Dems will try to block him. McConnell will try to push him through. Battle begins.

It’s nothing we wouldn’t expect, it’s exactly who Trump needs to get a pardon.. ...and the thousands of woman that will die from bad legeslation won’t loose Trump any sleep.


Indeed, and I am one of those who is on the political right, however I do fully support reproductive rights for all.

( wow! really? )

@MissaDixon ...Totally.

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