So why isn't Satanism listed in the profile questions alsong with the other options to believe in (eg. atheism, agnostic, anti-theist, rationalist, humanist).
Satanism is an atheistic religion, and some Satanic groups like the Satanic Temple explicitly reject supernaturalism outright.
Even more, Satanists have done some great work undermining the religous monopoly of right wing Christians in the past several years through a combination of legal challenges under religous freedoms laws and requesting to do invocations at city hall meetings, or hand out Satanic litterature in public schools that allow Christian groups to hand out propoganda.
The connotation in the word 'satanist' is not helpful for atheism.
There is an amazing interview with the satanic temple co-founder Lucien Greaves, done by Seth andrews of the thinking atheist. In the interview he is asked if memebers of the satanic temple are atheists, and his responce is something to the effect of, no we are satanists, and said althought they do not belive in a literal satan or magic or anything that comes with most religions, they are still satanists. Its a great listen, I recommend it.
Because if you worship Satan, you’re Theist
Satanists do not believe in satan, let alone worship him. This is a misconception that theists have from the satanic panic days. They think satanists are practicing magic and worshipping the devil but modern satanists believe in neither. Satan is just a literary symbol of dissent.
"Satanism is an atheistic religion". I've read that a dozen times and still can't get past it.
You're not a religion, you're an atheist/agnostic/whatever with a code. It's the same reason we don't have a category for atheists who are also vegetarians.
It is a recognized religion with legal standing and a shared set of values (the 7 tenents). Yet Satanism is atheistic and fully rejects any diety or supernaturaslism.
@PolyComrade recognized by whom exactly? Where exactly is this legal standing?
Religion: noun
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Does that sound like the Satanism you're describing?
I know for fact it is legally recognized in the USA, I don't know a ton about what other coutries processes are and how many legally recognize Satanism, or what is all involved in that. But there is also a Satanic Temple chapter in Ontario Canada, so likely also has legal recognition here.
And many religions don't believe in a god or dieties. Shinto, taoism, etc don't, and even some forms of paganism have no gods.
Here's a definition from
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
As you can see, numbers 2 and 3 both clearly fit, and even the first sorta fits as it says "especially when..." meaning not only when.
The definition you shared I believe is from the websters; which also has 3 other definitions listed and 2 of those also work and do not involve a needed supernaturalism or gods:
1 a : the state of a religious
a nun in her 20th year of religion
b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
I am sure I can find other definitions from other common dictionaries, or wikipedia that don't require the belief in superstitions and dieties. In fact one of the statements often made in interviews and lectures by the spokesperson for the Satanic Temple is that they hold to the value that religion doesn't need to promote superstitions and that it is important to recognize that the deep shared values and beliefs are not less than those that advocate for superstition and supernatural beliefs -- if you try to say that somehow those who hold supernatural beliefs have beliefs that are more valid then legally too they get legal exceptions that those who advocate a rationalist viewpoint are not allowed. Luecian also has often said that while most atheists are not Satanists, most Satanists are atheists. But that doesn't mean our values and beliefs are less strongly and deeply held.
@PolyComrade So that's a lot but here's a few rebuttals.
So in the first definition you claim that you have a "set of beliefs concering the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe" what is that?
In the following definitions I see a repetitive listing of "faith" or "belief". Does Satanism have either of those outside of the code it follows which is not either?
Lastly, you stated at the very end my counter point from Luecian "most atheists are not Satanists, most Satanists are atheists". So we can settle this pretty easily, do you believe in a god?
As I said before, no I don't believe in a god, gods, soul, or afterlife.
If you want to know the beliefs, look at the Satanic Temple website
I don’t understand this. Isn’t Satan just another deity? Seems to me that devil worship is just another deistic/theistic religion. How can you be a Satanist and reject the supernatural?
P.s. Lucifer is one of my favorite TV shows.
Satanism is not the same thing as devil worship. I doubt youll find anyone who actually worships the devil except your odd mentally ill and confused/misled/undereducated teen. Satanists a la the Satanic Temple (and I think also Church of Satan) don't literally believe in Satan. He is seen as a literary symbol and a metaphor to take up against christianity. Not exactly in a trolling/psych you out sort of way but closer to that than as a diety. Mostly just a way of confronting christians with the fact that we know it’s all bullshit, but even if your crazy mythology were true, we’d side with the other guy. Thats how evil your authoritarian god is, he could literally make a hero out of Satan.
Much in the same way that Buddha isnt a diety in Buddhism either, no one is worshipping those statues of him. Its just a visual focal point for meditation. Satan is a metaphorical focal point for contradicting Christianity.
@RussMaughan what do you mean nah? Thats what the two major branches of satanism will more or less tell you anyways. We’re talking about Satanists like those that belong to Church of Satan or Satanic temple. None of them would I call “worshippers” because they don't believe in him. and yeah you could @Pete66 but its sort of fun to use their own symbols against them. I don't speak for the church of Satan or Satanic temple, Im merely interested in the latter because they seem like groovy folks doing good work. Satan is a useful symbol for embodying certain values that help to consider if youre trying to deconvert yourself from Christian shame and guilt, which is my main attraction to it I think.
Seems like they just want to piss off the Christians.
@jerry99 Nah, Satanists don't just wanna piss of Christians. Rather we find a religous experience in embracing blasphomy. Satanism differs from atheism, even though Satansists are atheists -- in that we don't seek to evangelize or convert, but rather to challenge religous privlege and authoritarianism. It's a extremely anti-authoritarian religion centered in the values of people being able to do with their body and mind as they wish and live unmolested by religous or legal authority.
If this is where the petition starts, count me in. My anti-theism has lately been growing to the extent that Im investigating Satanism. From what I can tell I think Im down with the Satanic Temple on most everything.
If you haven't already checked out their website and youtube, there's a lot of great content on the youtube channel and the Grey Faction youtube as well that might interest you.