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As the country devolves around us, I can only hope that the insanity doesn’t affect the many immigrant men and women met through my life. Some of the best Sailors, coworkers, and friends I have ever had.

PeteEwy 6 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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The division is loud. impervious to facts and pretty much 100% obtuse.
DJT knew the evangelicals were gullible and that, once on his side they will be hard to run off.

i find it very dis-heartening that 40+% of the nation needs a spokesperson to lie incessantly to assure them that they are correct in what they think.


So very sad and bad for our country. I learned so much from the many immigrants and itinerant workers I knew in CA.


I live in an immigrate nieborhood. In fact I moved here BECAUSE it was filled with so many types of immigrates from SOOO many different places. ICE doesn't come here...but they do roam other parts of the city...However, they are being met with resistance.


I know, every time I see a person that may be affected by these racist wackos I wonder how they can cope with all this. Its becoming a common sight around here to see several police cars huddled around one Hispanic person, and I wonder what they're going through and if they'll go home or if the man takes them away.

I also worry that my "white privilege" will only take me so far, and sooner or later the same mob will be after me for my political views, or my "satanic hobbies", or my lack of church affiliation, or something else.

The future should be very concerning to us all. The children that are experiencing Trump's "justice" are going to be some scary, traumatized, messed up people thanks to their experience; and that some of them are likely to seek some revenge is pretty much a certainty. Of course, maybe Trump isn't worried about this since he plans on killing them all via Adolph's playbook. It might occur to somebody that many people were brought up charges for crimes against humanity when the dust settled; but its apparently not occurring to enough people - yet.

Yes, I wait for the day where my views get me on a list so where. Though it’s gettkng harder and harder to “tow the line” to maintain what I have.


We are in bad times. I have never hated anyone as i do the president. The children still are in chaos. I can't believe how things have gotten this uncaring.

Agree, my hatred for the man is deep.


@SheilaRaye agree so much.



I really feel for anyone now, who looks obviously different : un-white, speaks with an accent, doesn't dress like most folks, etc. How can they not be afraid just going out in public ? There are increasing numbers of emboldened, and often violent assholes running rampant everywhere !


It's heartbreaking. Especially as it pertains to the children. I don't understand how anybody can, in good conscience, support this horrid regime.

Deb57 Level 8 July 10, 2018

I doubt you can have a conscience and support this tyrant.

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