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I’m not saying that I don’t trust the Internet but, there is an alarming discrepancy between the number of iPads I’ve won and the number of iPads that I actually own.

Duke 8 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Rotfl that’s hilarious. I find myself in the same boat lol

PaulD Level 5 July 12, 2018

Lol...yea congratulations you have just won an iPad etc etc..I must have one about 40 of them..I think they must be sitting in customs clearance somewhere in Nigeria. When I get 80 iPads I get a T-shirt!


Lol yes indeedy..that other old chestnut.. ?


I'm still waiting on my big check from George Soros for being a radical left wing nut job marcher.
Man, you can't believe anything you read on the internet and I'll just bet there aren't any hot young woman living near me either.

Me either, but there’s for sure at least one sexy single in my area.

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