Does anyone believe the Noah's Ark
story to be a real event in earth's history?
No. The Black Sea was at one point in Homo Sapien's history, dry or a much smaller lake. But, the land mass separating the Mediterranean Sea from the Black Sea area broke, and the Black Sea filled up. This flooded large tracks of land. Especially on the scale that primitive man lived. This and other similar events inspired the story of a world wide flood.
There was probably a flood in the region of the people who wrote the Bible. Clearly wasn’t a worldwide flood since none of the other societies from that time have any record of it.
Sure. Santa and the Tooth Fairy are also real. Well, as real as Noah!
There I was one day, out ark hunting in the mountains of Ararat with my handy field guide to petrified shittim wood and a brilliantly detailed map showing likely mooring sites for an ancient sailing vessel 450 cubits long. That's when I got a text from my thesis advisor saying, "I said go out looking for Noah's Park. I need to know if that little place selling lemon verbena sachets is open until six." No wonder that Ph.D. never came in the mail.
Was listening to The Scathing Atheist podcast crew read the ark stuff from a bible last weekend … wondering if my neighbors thought I was losing it laughing so hard while mowing the lawn It’s the kind of crap a bad parent would read to their child as a fairytale.. Then to realize there are adults, either claiming to or actually believing such insanity..
I love Geology, so often celebrate all we do know! Anyone stopping short of that opportunity is committing intellectual suicide…
There are millions of Americans that certainly do. They hear the stories in Church as children and "just believe". There is no reason to think anyone would try to lie to them, so they never bother to investigate on their own or much worse they are afraid to investigate as they might be possessed by Satan.
Unfortunately, I was one of these victims. I actually believed so much I thought that they were silly as all truth would lead to the TRUTH of God. I am now an atheist embarrassed that I bought into it. I was a child so there is that in my defense.
Had you ever spent 40 days disposing manure?
Its possible that there was some sort of flood, but nothing like what the story portrays. This was a group of people that did not really have a written language, and no way of finding out what actually happened so they probably made most of it up.