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What this idiot is doing to the U.S.

Coldo 8 July 13

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Canada signed new trade agreements with Europe ahead of the inauguration of the new Bozo in Chief and has also strengthened our Asian trade alliances because the US is no longer seen as a trustworthy trade partner. The latest round of illegal trade tariffs have only reinforced that opinion in Canada and a strong Don't Buy American campaign is gaining momentum even though the trade sanctions that Trump has illegally implemented will be off set by WTO approved countermeasures the impact on the US economy will be great.




When's the next IndyRef? If Scotland votes for independence, I'd like to apply as a refugee from Trumpistan.

I will keep you informed ?Probably after Brexit triggers next Mach.


Thanks again stable genius. ?

Not only is he a stable genius, but he's out standing in his field.


And some think he's good for the economy ? ? ? ? ?

A great deal maker who managed to lose money while running a casino


Now that is some great economic policy, Larry Kudlow. For Mexico!

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