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Absolute power corrupts absolutely; a tragic story of unchecked criminal behavior by police:

Police protected their own; now an innocent woman is dead

Condor5 8 July 14

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Tragic indeed and not necessary at all. They should be held accountable for killing her.

A similar thing in my small community a couple of years ago. This ex-con did not like police but was forced into working with them. A local cop followed him out of town on a low speed chase as he was wanted for questioning. Vehicles stopped and he gets out and is walking towards the local cop when he is shot 3 times. It's all on video. The cop said he "was in fear for his life."

In the 50's and 60's, growing up in the outskirts of L.A., I held policemen in high regard, they made us feel safer in many respects. Not so much anymore.

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