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"I don't think she's really having an affair," Bob had said, "she's not that interested in sex."

I've been in relationships where the initial and once overpowering passions have dissipated, and even disappeared. But I never considered that some would use Bob's explanation until i heard it from others, both male and female.

Accepted theory says that when someone says that their mate is not interested in sex, all they can really speak to is that their mate is not interested in sex with them.

So how many have shared Bob's perspective about their mate?
#relationships #sex #passion #breakup

josephr 7 July 14

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There is fire for a while, until fuel is consumed and the only thing left is ashes. That's the course of life. Some keep the fire running longer. Once it's gone, some are lucky enough to fill that void with treasured memories. Every story is a different book


Never assume something negative as the first response, especially with people you care about and want to maintain a good relationship with.

If one person is dis-satisfied with their sex life, it's a problem for both people and the relationship as a whole.

I'd guess most of us have had sex with someone we cared about when we weren't really in the mood but bc they wanted to and we want to please them. It's not an onerous chore and connecting with someone we care about is good no matter what.


When men say that about their wives/girlfriends I always wonder what things they did to piss their women off so badly they refuse to bleep them anymore.
I had to be on the ceiling angry, or sick to say no. I was rarely angry to the point of withholding, and think the one time I was not feeling well AND MAD. LOL

Qualia Level 8 July 14, 2018

I once thought my husband was a gay on the down low. He still might be, but also slept with every married woman he could seduce. He also paid more attention and showed more admiration for the women's husbands than for the women. He always acted like he had "man crushes" them.

He probably preferred married women for affairs so he wouldn't be expected to support them.


And there are no consideration for medical considerations.? Very one dimensional position.


I thought I was asexual for a long time. I wasn't, I was just not interested in sex with my husband. I never cheated on him, but the relationship was dead long before it was over and lack of sex was a huge red flag/symptom.


Not sure exactly what the question is. Why would anyone assume that the reason someone is not interested in sex is because they're having it with someone else?? That actually strikes me as the least likely explanation.

I couldn't agree more's usually much deeper than lack of physical desire .

It may be the "least likely" explanation, but it is a common response in moments of challenging emotional stress and threat. The higher the stress, the less cognitive thinking. It has to do with human chemical reactions.

The real problem is that people most often prefer to avoid talking about any ' monsters hiding under the bed'. Most certainly don't want hear a truth which could threaten them and stress them out even more. At least that's how many react to having 'difficult conversations'.

These are just some some of the reasons why some people go immediately to the most negative potential reason.

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