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I apologize in advance if I ramble. I’d really like your feedback.

I was raised in the Bible Belt. Went to a southern baptist church as a teen. Attended several other Christian churches as a young adult.

I have never identified as agnostic or atheist until recently. As I reflect I have recognized the way I feel about my Christian start.

I discovered the truth about Santa when I was 5ish. I remember being so angry that I was lied to by my parents. So much so that I raised my son with the truth about Santa.

I feel deceived by those religious leaders in my early days. I don’t believe they knowingly deceived me, nonetheless I feel deceived.

Is there anyone who can relate this feeling?


yogafan108 7 July 16

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Here are my thoughts. I was also led to believe in santa and jesus as a child. Santa can't be real to anyone who believes in god because santa can't perform miracles like traveling throughout the entire planet in one night to deliver presents to all boys and girl but jesus can walk on water and raise the dead. No wonder so many people who believe in jesus hate magic and santa and everything else fictional because it gets people closer to the teuth. I had a conversation with my wife last night about us as kids being lied to about santa, well she never believed because her parents believe in jesus. We don't realize what little white lies are hurting our children about mythical beings, I read somewhere that we should not only tell our children that we don't have a creator but we need to tell them to discover and investigate the facts for themselves and not just because they have to believe us. So much of humanity is told not only how ro live their lives, but what they should and shouldn't believe is real. Its up to our generation to teach our kids to think for themselves and to never conform to a false reality. Living in la la land will take you far far away from reality because I just escaped that nightmare. #Atheism #Liveyourowndamnlife #Realityoverreligion


I was lucky i was born from a norweagion sioux line. Not too much church crap. In the 90s i broke totally from any church. I always lean to sioux belief. I do not have a god anymore. I just find it growth beyond a god. If that makes sense


No way soneone should learn the truth about Santa when they're only 5. I'd have been pissed too; they always made me go to bed early Xmas Eve cuz Santa was coming!

godef Level 7 July 16, 2018

Ive been saying for years, though nobody ever listens, that the gradual self-realisation that santa wasn't real set me up quite nicely for an easy route into atheism. I quite like the idea that over the last century or so he's helped ease the transition in the western world 🙂


I felt the same way upon learning the truth about santa. I raised my kids to think of him as any other character in any other story. Fun to imagine and pretend but not real.

Same- I felt lied to about Santa Claus so we treated it like a game with my son.


Never Apologize. Your honesty is welcome more sincerely and openly as you could ever relate. We were all lead down the path of glory that went no where. That is why we are all here and will stay for longer then those whom led us here will care to admit. This is their problem not ours. Welcome, no Apologies needed.


Some disagree with me, but some people truly believe in the invisible man in the sky along with angels, leprecauns, and other impossible incarnations.

As Daniel Dennett has said, people believe in a belief in god.


To tell an untruth, even unknowingly is to lie, to some extent. I think there is some unconscious self deception that happens. Honesty with yourself, and examining your beliefs honestly can be difficult for some.


oh they did knowingly deceive you at best at worst well its often called child abuse and with good reason

weeman Level 7 July 16, 2018
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