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Ok is it just me or does anyone else's skin crawl when they hear/read the much over used word "yummy"? Even worse when a man says it. What ever happened to delicious, or tasty? I don't know what it is about that word, maybe it sounds childish? Anyone else feel this way?

happyhiker1 7 July 17

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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I agree and it does sound a bit childish. Perhaps it began with cooking shows like Rachel Ray...remember "Yum-O"? Maybe folks are too lazy about language to dig up words like savory, succulent and tantalizing to describe the food. The other possible explanation is they don't have the vocabulary.


" Yummy ! A moist cluster fuck. Yum yum, my favourite words in one delish sentence. "

So excited by that phrase that you had to say it twice! I’m beginning to think you’re a dirty old man!

Maybe, maybe not ! But thanks for pointing it out to me. Had no idea I posted it twice. Have now deleted one.


Worse is the Australianism, 'yummo' (gags).

Yummo is not worse. I hate the 'e' sound on the end of words like biccy mummy, yummy, tummy . They sound like toddler words. But frankly I haven't heard the word 'yummy' or 'yummo' in yrs. I have been known to exclaim 'That's delish!' however.


i did once have a group of women introduce themselves as the yummie mummies what the actual flying fck

weeman Level 7 July 17, 2018

Worse than yummy? Nummy. Where did that come from? Actually, "worse than yummy" is a great name for something, don't you think? a novel? a film? a band? Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for "Worse Than Yummy!"

Yummy - No big deal. Nummy, however, is something you say to a toddler. ICK



Nope. Nothing.


No problems with Yummy. The word I do have a problem with is Awesome! It seems to have become the most overused word recently, especially amongst Americans. There are only a few things that I could reasonably use that adjective to describe, as awe is something only great and inspiring things or events could induce, for instance viewing the Grand Canyon!

I think maybe you think yummy sounds childish because It rhymes with mummy. We have an expression here “yummy mummies” and that does give me the shudders!

@Marionville better than milf though ?

@SimonCyrene Just about!

@minhmeister Give me a like then if you agree!

@minhmeister I like a man who does what he’s told, so I have reciprocated!


bit like this 'cool' thing, to me if somethings 'cool' it's plain cold!

DAMIET Level 4 July 17, 2018

The word "moist." ((shudders))

Me too.....ugh!

My least favorite word. UGH is right!


My bothersome thing to hear is "he is the bomb but has a short fuse". Excuse me I am going to go vomit and cry.

Mokvon Level 8 July 17, 2018

I have never heard this phrase and am very thankful for that. It irritates me by reading it.


Yes. Men shouldnt use the word yummy. Its for kids

Jojoe7 Level 1 July 17, 2018

Yummy doesn't bother me, but I don't hear it very often.


Yum yum.....


i prefer larrupin


Not yummy, but I know lots of people dislike the word moist.

My uncomfortable trigger word is cluster

I gagged even typing it

@LadyAlyxandrea As in cluster-fuck! I would describe Brexit in such terms!

@LadyAlyxandrea, @Marionville
How about a moist cluster fuck, that should do it for everyone !

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