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Is it bad that I use OMG too much in text?

antman 7 July 20

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I don't have a problem with it.


OMG (only my guts) tell me I don't know....



Sirena Level 7 July 20, 2018

As a sort of joke (I'm 58yo and here it's perceived to be the language of much younger people) I use OMG and Amazeballs in speech just to see others' reaction. It gives us all at least a smile. I don't worry about oblique references to a god, OMG is just part of language to me. So my answer to your question is NO.


Text-speak shows laziness and immaturity.

"It’s kind of like wearing their jeans below their butt. They’re going to lose all credibility,” said Sally Murphy, a California State-East Bay professor and director of the university’s general-education program.

I speak English, not Acronym.


I try to avoid acronyms but omg and brb I use often. I hate HRU and things like that.


OMG's no... In fact I'm betting you are under - using it for the times we are all in right now.


OMG, by Jove, holy cow, jumping Jehoshaphat, for the love of christ. I’ve used them plans to stop. I also say goodbye...which apparently came from god be with you.

LB67 Level 7 July 20, 2018

Well, you learn something new everyday. Thank you.

@antman perhaps you could occasionally use OMFG. If you are concerned you are not showing an appropriate amount of irreverence for an agnostic/atheist.. ?


Why do you think it would be !

An atheist using Oh My God often.

It is just words !



antman Level 7 July 20, 2018
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