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My parents had to do this trek in bare feet and it was uphill both ways but I was lucky and it was only uphill one way and we had a thin pair of socks to keep our feet warm.

Surfpirate 9 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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A pair of socks you must have been posh we only had a hole of a sock to share between the whole class !!!

Simon1 Level 7 July 22, 2018

So the family is doing better than.

About the same really, with the older generation they were more frugal and wouldn't be wasting money on luxuries like socks just because of a few feet of snow. 😀

@Surfpirate Yes I know what you mean. My mother would walk for km just to save 20c. Not that there is anything wrong with being frugal. Neither do I understand why people take the car to the gym if it is only a very short distance from their house.

@Jolanta My Mom used to walk to and from the grocery store where she was the book keeper, it was over a mile each way and unless the weather was really bad she never took the bus. Eventually she saved up enough money to buy a car that my father found for her and sold to her for a small profit, that was the end of many things, including their marriage.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

@Surfpirate Yes, I never understood when couples have seperate accounts. Why bother getting married. I get it that you are not fond of your father.

@Jolanta It's not all bad, his misogyny made me a better feminist.

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