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Religion vs Ritual vs Rite-Of-Passage

I recently posted a description of my wife’s (now mine too) extended family’s methods of supporting each other and the family’s ‘next generation’. I was then informed by several members of that these traditions were sexist, cultish, and theistic. I’m not going to argue these definitions as I’m not knowledgeable enough to present a scholarly opinion. Plus, I’m involved in it and way too close for a unbiased opinion. With that said, I’d also like to acknowledge that this is going to be a long, multi-path, kind of post. So! My basic question to you good folks is; while I consider most organized religions to be somewhat detrimental to society, is there a place for strong religious beliefs in support of individuals? Follow-on question: Are rituals and Rites-Of-Passage a positive influence on individuals and do they have a place in our culture? That’s good enough for an opening statement. My input to these will be in response to your input. Thanks for reading.

bigpawbullets 9 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Rituals help to form an identity, passage rituals show to the person and to the society that something changed.
Modern ritual is for example changing the relationship status on facebook. You are telling society that something changed about you. Don't need to be involved in mistery and supernatural stuff.

Exactly. I've been through numerous rituals signifying a rite-of-passage. All were positive experiences helping to, as you point out, mark for my society a change in my status.


Some examples from my extended family (Clan) and my own life for clarfication:
Religion: My stepdaughter had her first child about nine months ago. (Holy shit, I'm a "grandpa".) To relieve post parentum depression, rather than taking drugs, she returned to the Roman Catholic Church. She has shared with me that she finds the rituals of mass to be soothing and uplifting, and relieves her depression. If the hierarchy and structure of the church wasn't there, her involvment, however superficial and temporary would be unavailable to her.



I think there is a place for strong religious sentiments by individuals. You don’t have to believe or know anything to be religious IMO. You just have to be deeply aware of the questions and live a life of appreciation and gratitude. It’s all a personal thing, but if you set the example others might follow.

I’ve never much cared for rituals and ceremonies, but I don’t see that they hurt anything. No human sacrifice though—that’s going too far.

Ah heck William.
I had quite an All hallows Eve event planned.


no it may help an individual to whatever degree but the harm the institution behind it wreaks on the society is not worth it the religion says you have to do xyz to be a good person the person then feels shitty if they don't and has to deal with the implicit threats from the religious body from being shunned within their community to eternal suffering etc none of which would happen if said religious group did not exist not sure what you mean by rituals and rites of passage like getting drunk with your mates at 14 in the local cemetery (was a rite of passage for me and my friends to get alcohol for everyone round about that age) not as good as say the maasai having to kill a lion to become an adult but i live in scotland and lions are rare here

weeman Level 7 July 22, 2018

Our urbanite culture has no right of passage. No ritual other than religious ones & a few like a driver;s license, graduation, getting a job which are positive. Then there are the more nefarious ones such as cigarettes, liquor, military & voting. Thus I think part of our problem with the lack of ritual is coming of age kids design their own. Premarital sex, crime, graffiti, planking, trainspotting and other dangerous & negative behavior. Currently snorting condoms is the rage. Of course strong religious beliefs offer right of passage ritual. That keeps folks within the guard rails of social construct & offer goals & reward. It is far more difficult to be a secular humanist & discipline ones self merely as a good & productive citizen. That should be reward enough but it is not. I have often thought that religion is merely a system in which the control of large masses of people is attained .& enforced

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