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When Politics Becomes Fantasy Football


“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ~ George Orwell

William_Mary 8 July 23

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I don't cheer for politicians or parties-I cheer for social justice and civil rights for all Is that moving to the left for me? Possibly. However parties control elections and candidates. Can that change? Only if third parties become relevant.

The only way a 3 rd party can become relevant is for it to be suddenly and overwhelmingly supported. Without that risk of tossing your vote to an undesirable candidate is to great... for the foreseeable futere I’ll stick to Democrats down the line, the ground is crumbling under our feet, the best path to removing Republicans is the Democratic Party, when a loss doesn’t mean loosing democracy I’ll give a 3rd party my ear.

@ArdentAtheist when you finally realize this, like me, you may find yourself wanting to try to get others to see things differently. The democrat and republican parties are one in the same working together for the same people.

Dems And GOP Work Together Like A Boxer’s 1–2 Punch To Knock You Out


On just those 2 issues I would say no. One will only become relevant when enough people have had enough and finally stand up. Until then we'll continue to get slow incremental changes to part of those issues while certain groups continue to go backwards. Right now Trump is moving them backwards. But that's because the democrats didn't do enough when they could. That is by design. Please see the 1-2 punch above.

@William_Mary I do realize that and I sent money to Bernie, ultimately voted Hillary because it had a better chance of stoping Trump.... it’s just not 3rd parties time yet... we need to fix this in steps. I think we pretty much agree. I am waiting for a 3rd part to be relevent, until then I’ll vots for every Democrat that runs for any office I’m eligible to vote in.

@ArdentAtheist yea, to many people waiting! While you're waiting the game goes on. We just don't agree with that aspect of the game I guess. I like your sentiment though.


so fantasy politics been going on since the first campaign,

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