My baby boy, who's 34 has fallen into the " but I love her dad" pit. How many of you know someone who is blind to the captain obvious fact that the problems you keep having in your life can be placed on your choice of a mate. Everyone can see it but you. No matter how transparent her many shortcomings are, you have blinders on. Any advice is appreciated.
He's a grown man. He's gonna do what he's gonna do. He's not your little boy anymore, hasn't been for a while.
I was married to one. For 29 years I forgave and hoped she had learned and things would get better. And she resented me asking her to do the right thing so much,she turned to alcohol. I stress ate, did not know what she was doing, just sure she resented me and did not want me any more. Kind of heavy sentiment here, but that was a lot of my prime years lost to wishing she would be someone she is never going to be. Ask him if he would rather be shopping for love at 50 or where he is. Life is too short to spend it wishing others to be more than they want to be.
Do absolutley nothing !! Whatever happens he must find out himself . If you do or say anything you will be blamed fro everything and it will just make you the bad guy . Just be there for him no matter what he decides to do . She won't be there forever you will
I can almost predict waht his son will say; "Dad you told me so, but i didn't believe you,now I'm raising kids by myself,she's run off somewhere with no address,saying being a mother was too much work"........
LOL! Interesting that you believe you can control who your children fall in love with!